By Whom, why, and how have God’s messages been delivered through the ages?

The who, why and how of God’s use of messengers:

Take a look through the Good Book…

The Bible holds the answers to all our questions, so this question is no exception.  A few of the many examples should provide enough to open our eyes to the fact that God uses messengers to spread his word and do his work.  He knows just the person for the job he wants done.

God spoke directly …

 To Adam and Eve (Genesis 16: 17 Why?  God delivered to them the consequences of their failure to obey.)

To Jeremiah: (Jeremiah 1: 1 – 19 Why?  God reassured Jeremiah that he was the right person for the job.  Jeremiah had love and concern for the people.  He had empathy and wept for them over their sins.  His heart was right for the job.  It took many years for Jeremiah to fulfill God’s call to ministry.  God was with him.  He delivered God’s messages, but the people did not want to listen.  What had the people done wrong?  God’s people had forsaken him by burning incense to other gods and worshiping what their hands had made.  They had sinned against God with their idolatry.  Jeremiah was to let them know what they must do to right their wrongs.

 **(God has shown me, a present-day messenger, the ways that I can be compared to Jeremiah.  Jeremiah and I used age as an excuse for why we should not be chosen. Jeremiah pleaded that he was too young while I said I was too old.  We both had empathy for the people and wept often.  Our hearts were right for the job.  God was with us.  It took Jeremiah many years to fulfill God’s call to ministry.  I have been working on fulfilling my call to the ministry of reconciliation since November 2014 and am still working.  The message we both were given to deliver: The people must give up their sinful, idolatrous ways and follow God’s suggestions for righting wrongs.)

To Moses: God spoke to Moses many times.  A few examples follow:  In Exodus 3: 1- 22 God calls Moses by name, tells him to remove his sandals for he is on holy ground, tells him, that he has heard the cries for help from his people and that Moses is the one he is sending to lead the people out of Egypt.  God promises to be with Moses.  Moses is to tell the people that I AM sent you.  God gives instructions on what Moses is to do.  Exodus 6: 28 through Exodus 7: 7 God prepares Moses –80 years of age — to speak to Pharoah.  Moses says he has trouble speaking, so God calls Aaron – the 83-year-old brother of Moses – to speak. Exodus 19 relates when God speaks to Moses after the Lord saved his people from the Egyptians.  They had set up their tents in the Sinai Desert just in front of the mountain.  God has more instructions to give and to tell them what to expect if they accept his plan.   Exodus 20 records when God gave Moses the 10 commandments.  There was thunder, lightning, trumpets making great noise, and the people were afraid.  Moses told the people to fear not. 

**(Just as God spoke to Moses many times, so has he spoken to me often.  God called Moses by name.  He called me, “My dear child.” He told us both that he had heard the cries for help from the people. Moses was the one sent to help lead the people out of Egypt.  I am the one sent to help lead God’s children out of the darkness into the Light.  God promised to be with Moses.  He promised to be with me.  God kept his promise.  Moses had trouble speaking.  I have trouble speaking.  God gave Moses Aaron to speak.  To me, he said, “I did not ask you to speak.  I asked you to write.”  God said to Moses that he should tell the people I AM sent you.  God, in the ‘About the Leader’ blog entry, stated that he could be called I AM.  He told the people through Moses and through me to ‘fear not’.)

Angels delivered God’s messages …   

   To Daniel   

   To Zechariah

   To Mary

   To Joseph

   To the shepherds

Often, the angels said, “Fear not.”. ..

 Jesus delivered God’s messages in word and actions…

Modern day callings…

 God does not choose helpers based on gender, ethnicity, age, race, or any other distinction we might name.  We have all been called to do God’s work. How we choose to answer the call is important to eternal life.  Those who say that only men and elders can deliver God’s messages, while the young or women or other designators cannot, do not understand how God works.  They are ones who — like the Pharisees, the people who knew Jesus best, the leaders — will not believe that God is speaking now through an elderly woman.  They are the ones repeating conspiracy theories and untruths, just as there were those doing and saying those very things against Jesus. 

God says, “Believe.” He also wants it repeated that he never asks anyone to do or say things that might cause harm to his children.  He does not ask us to be exclusive, but inclusive.  His way is to offer a soul saving plan to all. 

Why?  The why is answered in the post ‘ Why has God chosen now to speak to us?’ and should be reviewed now.  (In the search bar type in the title of the post then press search.)  A summary of the blog says we have closed our eyes and ears and failed to understand with the heart.  We are self-destructing.  The collective soul of America is in danger!  Darkness is engulfing our nation.  Parental intervention to help lead the lost into the Light is needed.  Our Heavenly Parent is the one for the job.  He will not give up on us and anticipates having to use some tough love to get the job done.


God’s calls to action have come in times when his children have gone into the darkness because of their actions.  He has the whole picture and holds the miraculous answer that will solve our problems. 

 His miraculous answer to today’s social, political, economic, mental, physical, emotional problems is RECONCILIATION.  Think about it…open your ears, eyes, minds, and hearts to truths and prayerfully consider what problems would be solved if we were willing to reconcile. 

Review of reconciliation meanings that led to an epiphany for me (from the blog post ‘The Call to Ministry of Reconciliation’):

Reconciliation -*restoration of friendly relations, *making one’s view or belief compatible with another, *former enemies agree to a truce, *restored trust and respect among warring parties, with one another – family members with family members, neighbors with neighbors, church members with church members and beyond, lawmakers with lawmakers, world leaders with other world leaders, and most of all God’s creation with God. 

After reading the definitions many times and mulling over the meanings, I had an epiphany, seeing clearly that reconciliation was the answer to solving the problems of the world.  It would take us out of the darkness into the Light.  Only God could have seen the whole picture and given the solution to all the problems.

God, our Heavenly Father, is softly, tenderly, lovingly calling…

 God is making his messages known just as he has always made his messages known – in his time, and in his way.   He is telling us what is needed to lead us out of the darkness into the Light.

God is speaking to us now, in real time, with his message being carried by a chosen disciple messenger. God says, “Wake up, America!  Reconcile!” 

Upcoming: The Whole Ball of Wax