The Whole Ball of Wax

God has provided:

The Bible provides everything needed to guide us through life’s journey.

   The blog -Messages from God – redelivers God’s lifesaving messages.

Through the blog, the whole ball of wax has been delivered.  In other words, God has provided everything needed to encourage and guide us along the upward path that will lead out of the darkness into the Light.       

The messages are the same as found in the Bible.  The difference is that the blog delivers the content in modern-day-easy-to-understand language, as God intended.

The greatest love story ever retold is redelivered through the blog answering our questions of Who, How, Why, When, What, Where …

The blog entry titled ‘Why? Who? What? How? Where? When?’ told us that we would have questions.  It also told us that it is God, our Creator Father, who has the answers of truth that, if heeded, will free us from darkness and will point us toward the Lighted path. 


In the blog entries ‘This Site’s for you if’ and ‘About the Team Leader’ we are told that God is known by many names – examples, Jehovah, Yahweh, Most High, I AM, and your Father who art in Heaven.  God is the hero who eases fears, responds to concerns, gives strength, and has solutions to our problems.  No matter what you choose to call him, God is the hero for whom we have been yearning. 

The answer to our question,  “Who will deliver God’s messages?” is given in the blog entry ‘About the Team Leader’. Under the heading, ‘The calling’ God answers, “To do my work, I use earthly helpers.  In November 2014, I called a helper to receive my messages and put them in written form to be ready to share with the world in my time and in my way.”  He goes on to explain that this disciple messenger has been prepared for the job by a Heavenly Team — God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

 Having answered our Who questions, God makes it clearly understood that all honor, glory, awards for the messages and the results of the messages are his and his alone.

Why?  Because he is the giver and inspirator of the messages. That is why the messenger refers to ‘we’ and ‘us’ when relaying messages.  God’s messages are for everyone, including the disciple messenger.

What is important?

In the part where the disciple messenger shares about herself, information is given that tells how God feels about Jesus and about our health and the health of the earth.  It is reshared now:

“The sunflower is one of my favorite flowers.  Its replenishing seeds provide health benefits similar to the sun’s benefits.  Its beauty brings joy like the SON.”

“It reminds me of something God asked me to record and share at appropriate times.  One appropriate time is now.”

 This is what I was told:  “Just as the sun is necessary for physical health, the SON is necessary for spiritual health.  There would be no earthly life without the sun.  There will be no Heavenly life without the SON.”

Love God, Love others as self are the two most important commandments.  If these commandments are obeyed, all other commandments will be followed. To follow these commandments, what love is must be understood.

In the Valentine message, love is explained.  1 Corinthians 13:  4-8 tells us what love is, love isn’t, love does, love doesn’t.

       A brief review:

Love does not boast, envy, keep a record of wrongs, or delight in evil.    Love is not proud, rude, self-serving, or easily angered.

Love is patient, kind, always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres, rejoices with the truth.   Love does succeed, never fails.   

God’s forever love is all-inclusive…

In addition to showing all the above characteristics of love, God’s love is a forever love and is all-inclusive.  He puts no restrictions on his love and says neither should we put restrictions on whom we love or on whom others love.   Matthew 5: 44 and Luke 6: 27 – 28 help us understand to extend love to our enemies – to do good, not bad, do not show wrath toward them, rather pray for them.  We are urged in Romans 12: 14, 17 – 19 to bless those who persecute you and never repay evil with evil. 

About his love, God says, “My love has no expiration date.  However, it does have a best-when-to-start-accepting date and that date is now.”  This answers our questions about when to act —  NOW!  Also answered is our question, “What does God have and what must we have in order to speak and act in ways acceptable to God?”  LOVE for God and love for others as we love ourselves is the answer.

What is meant by ‘the greatest love story ever retold?

The Bible is a love story telling and showing the love our Heavenly Father has for his creation.  He loves the heavens, the earth, the creatures of the earth.  And then there is the beyond-human-understanding love God has for his children.  It is a love that knows no bounds, a forever love.  Through the blog, this greatest of all love stories is retold.

What is God’s Lifesaving Plan? How does it work?  How much does it cost?

  God’s Lifesaving Plan is to save souls.  It is a plan that has worked through the ages and is working still.  It is an Eternal Life Insurance Plan, offered to all, no exceptions, free of charge.  To work according to God’s plan, we must accept it, replace all threads of sin, (pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, hate, gluttony, laziness, devotion to want-to-be earthly rulers, bearing false witness, stealing, committing adultery,  making orworshipping idols, murdering, stealing, coveting, making pledges you have no intention to fulfill)  fill our hearts with love, establish a relationship with God, and offer him a permanent dwelling place within our hearts. 

  God’s love and grace are so amazing that he can save sinners no matter how dark the sins committed might be.  His plan works because, as he describes the process, “I can cleanse anyone’s sin-filled heart to be white as snow.  I can make the guilty become innocent.  My purification system can never be replicated by man.”

Why has God chosen now to speak to us?  

 The hearts of ‘we the people’ are hardened and immune to understanding, our ears closed to truths, our eyes unseeing of wrongs, our minds are filled with sin-filled thoughts.  Too many of us are choosing to do things man’s way instead of God’s way.  Sins’ darkness is engulfing us.  We are self-destructing.  America’s soul is in danger! 

God has heard the cries of the hurting.  He knows the division that has occurred and is still occurring.  He knows souls that have been lost because of needed changes not made.  He knows that his intervention is our only hope. 

The alarm is ringing.  It is time to wake up.  Our individual and collective health – mental, physical, emotional, economic, and spiritual – is being lost at an alarming rate.  Listening to and following guidance from Above is our hope, our lifeline, our salvation.   God, our Heavenly Father, is the one-and-only for the job.  

What is God’s miracle answer to all our problems? 

We must “Wake up, America!  Reconcile!” Sooner, rather than later would be best, before we reach the point of no return. 

  If you are still not grasping the meaning of reconciliation and understanding how it is the answer to saving our individual and collective soul, return to the previous blog entry ‘By Whom, why, and how have God’s messages been delivered through the ages?’ to find the definitions of reconciliation in the Summary section. 

What is meant by the word inclusive?

God invites everyone to the table, no one is barred from a seat. He does not have an exclusion clause in his invitation.  He pays no attention to gender, color of skin, ethnicity, religion, how much money you have or don’t have, where you live, sins you have committed, with which political party you associate or choose not to associate,  health status, marital status, whether you are religious or not, whether you are filled with sin or are almost free of sin – in other words, he knows all about you, the good, bad, and ugly, and still he extends an invitation. 

Why does he do this? 

God says, “The only way I can help is to establish relationships.  If I exclude any of my children from the opportunities that lead to relationships being formed, they will not be helped.  I do not build walls, I build bridges.” 

Then he makes it personal, speaking to each of us individually, “My invitation is always open.  I am waiting patiently for you to accept.”  He adds, “Since you do not know the time or the way you will take your last earthly breath and enter your Eternal life, it is better to begin making needed changes now, rather than later.”

Is God an enforcer?

The simple answer:  No, God does not force his will on us. God does not force our acceptance.  While there are efforts to mandate religion, specifically to turn this country into a Christian nation, religion is not Goddated, and should not be mandated.  His will, his ways are offered, not forced upon us.  He invites, he makes it clearly understood what the future holds for those who accept and for those who refuse to accept his invitation.  He does not threaten, twist arms, use hurtful language, use forceful actions.  That is not his way.  His way is for changes made freely by hearts in such a way that his commandments are written on the heart to keep us on the right path, the upward path. 

Use this blog entry as an evaluation by truthfully answering the following questions:

Do you place your trust in earthly beings– ones who promise to be the only ones who can turn your losses into wins?  Are you willing to follow them faithfully all the days of your life even when they show that their hearts are filled with sins, even when they show that it is self-wins — money, power — they desire, even when they fail time after time to deliver anything they have promised?  God says: To bow to their will is not helping them.  They need help.  You should guide them to seek the kind of help needed, then, if they take your advice, support them in their efforts.

 Do you think man’s ways of forced obedience work?  Do you think posting the commandments on the walls of public buildings, standing on street corners or in public places to pray, or saying, “Merry Christmas” are the ways to ways to win the hearts of people or are ways to show you are religious? Do you think it is necessary to exclude ones who do not follow your rules of righteous living in order to keep yourself pure?  Must you also refuse to associate with ones who do not look or think like you, ones who do not share your values?  Do you think threats, laws, harsh punishments to get people in line with your way of thinking are okay?  Do you think it is okay to wish for opportunities, freedoms, and justice for yourself and for others who look, think, and act as you do but not to wish opportunities, freedoms, and justice for others?

How does hate-filled speech whether directed at you or at others or hate-filled speech used by you make you feel? 

How does speech that is filled with hope, promise, truths make you feel?

Which kind of speech do you think promotes more positive, healthy results?

To which are you listening and following– the loud voices of untruths and false promises, voices of darkness or to the still, quiet voice of hope and promise, the voice that brings Light to the darkness?

Are you Pharisee-like – following the laws of man while claiming to be the most religious?  Do you give more credence to one of two of the commandments while ignoring the most important ones of love God and love others as you love yourself?

Do you think divide and conquer is the best strategy or reconcile and live together in harmony and peace?  Are you thinking of the present or looking toward a better future?

Remember:  A kingdom or house divided against itself shall fail, shall not stand.  (Biblical:  Matthew 12: 25)  Is failure what you want?  That is not what God wants. 

Do you still have questions?  

Of course, you do, you are human.  Your questions will be answered if you start at the beginning of the blog and read, with minds open to understanding truths. through to the end.

UPCOMING: Independence Day