Recognizing Disciples at work in today’s world

God doth provide…

It has been almost two months since last posting.  I am grateful for the times that God gives me to enjoy family and to get caught up on other obligations.

Although I had been given the next blog topic, there were no nudges to get busy during this time of rest and renewal. No time, that is, until early morning of Wednesday, January 11, 2023, when the call to return to the computer came loudly and clearly.  I was not surprised by the call.  In fact, because of all the turmoil, lies, threats, and wrathful actions that were continuing to happen, I expected it sooner.

After such a long period away from writing, I needed a refresher.  I spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday rereading the blog.  I read from the beginning (This Site’s for you if…) through the very last post (Veterans Day – “Be Careful To Whom You Bestow Honor”) over and over.  I recognized errors in grammar and punctuation and noted needed corrections.  I remembered that God had told me that I would make errors along the way, but to keep in mind that the most important thing in my writing was to relay God’s messages in simple language so that all could understand. I had tried my best to do as God requested.  Also, I was reminded that the blog posts are meant to be reread often by all followers so that the messages remain fresh and relevant.  God says: Messages repeated often enough become embedded in the mind and heart.  This is the outcome with untruthful messages as it is with truthful messages.  We must learn to tell the difference.

I went to bed Friday evening, January 13th, feeling caught up to date.  However, I had no inkling of who or how to write about disciples at work in today’s world.  I needed to go to my Garden of Prayer.  The connection was made.  After a prayer session and a good night’s sleep, I was awakened Saturday morning, January 14th, with names of disciples being given to me.  I was told of important work they are doing or have done.  Also, ways these disciple helpers have been treated were named.  It was made known to me that there are many others doing his work, but they would not be recognizable.   The named disciples that follow below should be known to most.  If not, information about them is online.  God doth provide!

Disciples at work in today’s world…

*Martin Luther King, Jr. — though no longer walking on earthly streets — his example of how to work peacefully for justice and equality for all is still being followed.  He wished for others what he wished for self, no more and no less. He faced hate, threats, and death.  He did not seek honors for himself then and would not want them now.  All honor and glory go to God whom he served tirelessly and fearlessly.  

*John Lewis also fought for justice and equality while he was alive.  He encouraged ‘good trouble’ – “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up.  You have to say something; you have to do something.”  John Lewis supported free speech.  He condemned hate speech.  He was respected by his fellow members of Congress’.  Lewis encouraged admitting to mistakes made, admit you are wrong and ask people to forgive you.  He also worked for reconciliation by not letting differences define us; instead, those things on which we can agree should be the focus.  Like Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis faced hate and threats.  He was literally and figuratively beaten, but never defeated.

*Pope Francis lives simply amid excess.  He is not a seeker of power.  Instead, he uses his position to speak for those whose voices are not being heard.  He urges sanctuaries for the displaced because of war, extreme poverty, nonacceptance by others.  He encourages care of self and others and care of the earth, calling health care and earth care a ‘moral obligation’. He encourages the church to be more welcoming, more forgiving, more lovingbuilding bridges to community instead of building walls of divisionRestoration of relations – reconciliation between individuals, within families, countries – is advocated by Pope Francis. Communion is an important part of worship.  He is humble, peace loving, compassionate.  He is not a follower of man’s ways; instead, he chooses to listen to what God is calling him to do and urges that of others.  Pope Francis has faced criticism from conservative-thinking leaders and followers who choose to build walls instead of bridges.  They call him too liberal, too far left leaning, too willing to help the poor and work for justice.  God calls it ‘showing what is in the Christian heart’.  

*Also named as showing a Christian heart is Jimmy Carter.  His work with Habitat for Humanity has provided housing for many in need.  He has been a faithful Disciple teacher – teaching Sunday School classes. Jimmy Carter’s words and actions show that his heart is filled with unselfish love. Jimmy Carter used his voice and power when President to push measures meant to help win the energy war thus helping care for the earth and its inhabitants.  Like many of his good works and plans, these measures were blocked by those so filled with greed that they were willing to sell their soul for personal gain.  If they had been supported, not thwarted, they would have provided an early, effective means of helping delay climate change.  Through thick and thin, ups and downs, Jimmy Carter has remained a faithful Disciple servant.

*William Barber ll is an American Protestant minister and social activist.  He campaigns for the poor and calls for a moral revival.  He is a leader filled with compassion, a desire for justice, equality, fairness, and mercy.  He helps, and calls on others, to lift up those who cannot lift themselves.  He encourages voting as a way to bring about needed change. He seeks unity to show love and compassion and to combat hate and division. Working in community with others in efforts is how he thinks more is accomplished. Having persevered with a disability has helped him show that God provides us with the help and strength needed. He strives to serve God by serving humanity.  He is a strong proponent for quality education for all. His compassionate heart has led him to call for a Third Restoration.  A society that works together for the betterment of all is the goal.  Such a society – with liberty, justice, and equality for everyone — would help heal our nation and our world. He has earned an undergraduate degree, a Master of Divinity degree, a doctorate and has used his education to help build a better world.  Reverend Doctor William Barber II is a Disciple of Christ minister – a disciple in name and with words and actions.  In addition to all his important work, he is helping train others to be disciple ministers. He has encouraged women in the ministry and feels nothing — such as, gender, age, race, disabilities — should stop one from giving your best to the Master by answering the call to love others.

Others mentioned as showing actions of a Christian heart:

  *Oprah Winfrey – provides platforms for the voiceless to have a voice.

  *Bill Gates – creates jobs. Works to provide better healthcare, vaccines, and to fight diseases around the world.  Seeks innovative ways to fight climate change and health crises.

  *Warren Buffet – setting example of using excess money for good causesInfluences others of great wealth to follow his example.  Cooperates with others to make the money’s use more effective and impactful.

A heavenly suggestion for Bill Gates and Warren Buffet:  Turn your eyes upon Jesus and open yourselves to his help so that even more can be accomplished.

  *John Kasich – recognizes the danger of extremism and fights against it, speaks out for wrongs done by extremists no matter their party affiliation, acknowledges that climate change is real and must be addressed.  He has faced criticism from fellow conservatives who say he is too moderate.  This criticism has not stopped him.  He vows that we must do what we think is right in the heart.  Books authored that give clues as to what his beliefs are:  Stand for Something:  The Battle for America’s Soul, Courage is Contagious, Two Paths:  America Divided or United, and It’s Up to Us:  Ten Little Ways We Can Bring About Change.

  * Hillary Clinton – “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can,” (John Wesley) were not mere words.  They provided a standard of living. Hilliary Clinton has long advocated affordable health care for all. As a candidate for President of the United States, she saw the need for and boldly stated that she was the candidate for reconciliation.  Her book It Takes a Village provides a vision of the importance of everyone — regardless of ethnicity, wealth, gender, etc. — working together for good. 

  *Barack Obama and Joe Biden – not only sympathize but empathize in their fight for the marginalized (the underdog, the hurting).   They feel the pain of others and seek to lighten burdens. They mourn with and for those who mourn. *Joe Biden is also fighting for the soul of the nation. He has honored his father and mother. Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Biden have been belittled, threatened, and have been subjects of conspiracy theories. They have faced adversity with truths and courage.

  *Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger – bravely stood up to wrongdoing in face of extreme adversity.  They did so knowing their political future would be in jeopardy. They continue to choose truth over self-promotion.

   *Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, and Hillary Clinton were fearless in their fight against wrongdoing and in their fight to improve education and health, especially the education and health of all children. Barbara Bush continued to speak out against wrong until her last earthly breath was drawn.  The others are still fighting for worthy causes. God’s desire is that they never give up the good fight. 

   *Greta Thunberg is a young activist who advocates immediate actions to diminish the results of climate change.  She has encouraged other youth to peacefully protest.  She pulls no punches when calling out ones who are causing damage to the planet.  Greta has written a book on climate that will serve as a guide for action. She has been a target from critics, but she has not let that stop her.  Greta works tirelessly for improving the health of the planet and the health and well-being of its inhabitants.  She is a leader following the Goddate, found in Genesis 2: 15 and Genesis 1: 26 – 31, to take care of the earth and its inhabitants

You have questions, God has answers…

God knows you have questions – many “What ifs?” and “What abouts?”  You see the names of persons given above and you know of their imperfections, of the times they have gone down the wrong path.  Some of you have turned against them because you have been led astray by falsehoods, wrathful rants, conspiracy theories, and misleading statements by those whose hearts are filled with sinful desires.  In your minds, you put such heavy emphasis on the wrongs that you cannot open your eyes, ears, and minds to the multitude of things done right. You are not able to look into the heart as God is.  You do not know those things for which they have asked and been given forgiveness. God’s purification system works when we have a relationship with God. Prayer is key to that relationship.

Three examples of ones called by God to do his work who showed imperfections:

   *David committed adultery, had blood on his hands from having the husband of Bathsheba killed.  He also did great things for the people of Israel.  A part of his legacy – still being used today as comfort and guidance – was his book of Psalms.

   *Moses killed, was a good follower of instructions until he wasn’t.  It was his failure to follow God’s command that kept him from entering the promised land.  Moses had many negatives that would seem to keep him from being a chosen helper.  He was 80 when called, he could not speak well, yet he was the one chosen to lead God’s children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt.  God gave Moses specific instructions, talking with him often.  He told Moses things in advance of their happening.  God was with Moses and the people.

*Peter, the first disciple called by Jesus, denied Jesus three times because of fear of being recognized as a follower of Jesus.  Peter walked on water before his faith gave way and he began to sink.  Peter helped form the solid foundation on which church is built – a foundation so strong that even evil will not prevail against it.  The calls to Peter:  To become a fisher of men and feed my sheep by providing food for the body and soul. Peter helped in the acceptance of Gentiles into the faith.  Peter is an example of one who stumbled during his service, yet he was forgiven and remained dedicated to his calling. 

The question is not whether God is with us, instead, “Are we with God?”  He will always answer if we knock or if we call.  He waits patiently for us to answer his call.  He waits patiently for us to ‘get it right’. 

God helps us recognize disciples at work in today’s world…

If you look closely and truthfully, you will be able to tell disciples by the fruits of their labors.  The results will show compassion and love for others.  Their work will be carried out with patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. The results will be helpful and bring joy and peace to many. 

Disciples will not be the ones seen standing on street corners praying so that all will recognize their rightness.  They make their connections through private prayer.  They have established a relationship with God.  God has been given a dwelling place in the heart of each disciple.  God will give them what they ask — wisdom, understanding, fortitude, knowledge — if it is needed to accomplish the work of their calling.

They will speak out against wrongs with the same passion that they seek to do right. They will not fear evil and its sinful ways, for they have committed to doing God’s will.

 Disciples will use their gifts in service.  They will never demand nor even seek rewards and honors – all honor and glory will go to God.   

Upcoming: The who, why, and how of God’s use of messengers: