Footnotes:  Filling in the blanks   

A never-ending call… 

When it came to me that there should be more clarification about the calling, I thought I might borrow from Paul Harvey’s use of “And now, the rest of the story.”  Then I remembered that God said there would never be an ending because the ending of earthly life is the beginning of eternal life.  God’s messages have no ending.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning, and the end.  He is the Alpha who Is with us at the beginning, the Omega who Is with us to the end, and is the Alpha who will be making the decision about how we will spend our eternal life.  God’s messages are never ending.  When we accept God’s call, we should consider our response as never-ending.

 Filling in the blanks

Since it is a never-ending call, there will never be “the rest of the story.” There is a need, however, to fill in the blanks. There are far too many blanks to fill all, but, hopefully, enough can be added, to show an honest attempt at being as transparent as possible.

The Journey began in November 2014… 

When I answered God’s call in 2014, I surmised it would take at least 6 or 7 months to follow through on God’s wish for a book about reconciliation.  I never dreamed there would be 7 years of learning, having assignments, receiving and recording messages, following specific directions, and spending hours of each day at the computer before the rough draft of the book I had been asked to write would be complete.  I never imagined these things, but there they were, and I would venture to say that there are even more assignments ahead.   A lesson learned along the way:  All must be done in God’s way and in God’s time.

Things I learned by being told, shown, or led to during these many years

 *Why I was chosen

 *Events before they happened

 *The Book’s title

 *What to record

 *How to sit at the feet of Jesus to learn from him

 *There are Pharisee-like people at work in the world today

 *How to establish, repair, or reset relationships

 *God is Pro-Life and Pro-Choice

 *God is not intentionally being political.  It may seem that way because things which should be religious issues have been made political.

 *What is meant by a Christian heart

 *Saying something or doing something about wrongs is not judging; it is a moral obligation

 *Hints at what Jesus looks like and what heaven is like

 *God has a sense of humor to go along with his great compassion

Make no additions or changes

One of the first things given me was a scripture in Revelation that reminded me that I should be careful to do all that was asked, not adding to nor taking away from the messages given to me to record and relay when asked. I had never heard this Scripture before, and to be truthful, fright filled my heart upon reading it.  I determined right then and there that I would double and triple check all information before presenting it.  I needn’t have worried, because God gave me the important points he wanted emphasized many times and in many ways.  You can be assured that all in the blog and book are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

Also, God asked that this no-adding-to-nor-taking-from warning be added to the book and to the blog.  This is important since permission has been given to copy any or all parts of the messages as given in the blog.  However, with this permission comes the responsibility of not adding anything to or taking anything from God’s messages, and not assigning one’s own interpretation or opinion.

No gains of any kind – monetary, awards, honors…

God wants it understood that there will be no gains of any kind – monetary, awards, honors –by anyone who helps in the writing, posting, publishing, or distributing of the blog or book.  All honor, glory, and awards go to God.  If there is any money made, it is to go to bring about God’s work.  (God says it is important to adhere to his wishes so that no one can say that the book or the blog is an effort by those involved to sell books or to gain fame, fortune, or power.)  Just as no honors should be given to those involved, neither should criticism, threats, or violent acts be directed toward them.  These messages are God’s messages and just as all honors go to him, so, too, should criticism, threats, or whatever else might be forthcoming.

Reminder:  God knows what is in the heart.  He knows your thoughts even before you know them.  There will come a time when each of us will face our Heavenly judgment.  God asks you to decide which you would prefer to hear at judgment time: ‘” Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  or “I was in prison, and you visited me not. I was hungry, and you refused to give me food. I was cold, and you failed to provide warmth. I needed encouragement, and you turned your back. I wanted to be a part of the church family, but you shunned me because of my skin color. Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it unto me.’’  It is an eternal life decision.

.God has provided

*Helpers all along the way

 *Knowledge of things before they happened

  *Guidelines to follow to help in decision-making

  *Tough love

     -Woes to … 

     -Injustices being committed

     -Failures in carrying out the commandments  

     -Warnings about taking oaths and pledging allegiances

     -Sins that are causing divisions and destruction

     -Honors, Awards, Pardons


     -Wall building — literally and figuratively

     -You don’t know me, if…

     -Worship of an earthly being

     -Letters to leaders who have promoted harmful efforts

 *Guidelines for what church is meant to be,

 *Names of ones he is calling to make positive changes

*What it means to be a disciple

God is on a Soul-Saving Mission

The messages shared are not for me alone, though God knows I need them as do I know it.  They are messages needed to be received with hearts and minds open so that truths might be learned and internalized. This is necessary for needed changes to be made.  Determine to start immediately to help God save your soul.  You must want it as much as he wants it.

Upcoming: A Christian Heart – a guide to speaking and acting in ways pleasing to God.