My Way or God’s Way

Truth or consequences

We have failed to listen to others who have told us lifesaving truths. Will we also fail to listen and respond to God’s truths?   We either follow God’s truths or we suffer the consequences of our own making.  This is not a threat from God, it is a truth. 

Wake up, America!  Reconcile!

God says, “Wake up, America!  Reconcile!” 

If something is repeated often enough, it finally begins to sink into the mind.  By repeating this wake-up call enough, hopefully, it will sink into the human soul.  God wants his miracle remedy to our problems – reconciliation – repeated until America finally awakens and decides to begin the reconciliation process.

The big ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘our’…  

We are putting ‘our choice’, ‘our will’, ‘our rights’, ‘our liberties’ above proven ways of slowing or stopping the health losses we are experiencing.  Many are living life ‘my way’ not seeming to care about others and their rights.  Demanding ‘my rights’ too often brings harm to others, and, in the end, harm to self. 

Changes of heart are overdue… … 

God asks us to consider the following to see if doing things ‘my way’ describes you or someone you recognize.  Be truthful in your evaluation.  Facing truths, especially hard truths, is a necessary step in the heart-changing process.

 My Way or God’s Way? —    your choice to make...
“I did it my way,”
Many like to boastfully say.
Some have adopted as a theme song ‘My Way’
Because its message their intentions doth perfectly portray.
Would not, “I did it God’s way,”
Be a better message to relay?

To do it my way most often leads to sin.
“Look at me, see what I did,” is a mantra that soon wears thin.
Taking credit, doing it my way is where sin doth begin.

“I don’t need any help. I can handle this on my own.
This can only be accomplished by me alone,”
Are expressions that lay one’s arrogance bare to the bone.

If in a bragging, boastful way, one places self above others—
Sitting on a pedestal towering over one’s sisters and brothers,
That one will eventually become disconnected, isolated from others.

And what good doth it profit a man if he gains fame, power, or wealth,
But loses his social, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health?
How much better if to a servant role one would place self–   
Substituting boastful ways with humility, while placing ego and self-pride on a forever-forgotten shelf.

Best if one uses talents and strengths to carry out God’s will,
Quietly helping others up each life’s troubled hill,
All the while, giving credit to God and to self nil.

As you near the end of this earthly life, strive to be able to truthfully say,
“Only with God’s help could I have gotten through each day.
He was my rock, my strength, my guide, especially when I would start to stray.”

“To boastful, self-righteous arrogance I will not stoop,  I pray. 
May ‘I did it God’s way,’
Be my mantra to the end of my earthly days.”
God-inspired 10 /02/2018 – 12/16/2021 — (God works in his own time frame to provide an as-needed basis.)

God knows what is in each heart

If you were truthful in your evaluation, you recognized many who are doing things ‘my’ way.  You may even have recognized some self-first tendencies in yourself.  Remember:  God knows what is in each heart. There is no place you can go to hide from him.  Know this: changes of the heart must be made before it is too late. 

Upcoming:  Help in your evaluation of self and others is the goal of the next blog: Separating the wheat from the chaff.