What does it take to wake you?

Different sleep patterns/different wake-up patterns…

  Some of us require 7 to 9 hours sleep to function satisfactorily,  Others can get by with less than 7 hours sleep.  For some of us a short refresher nap during the day works wonders.  Others nap during the evening while relaxing.  Still others can keep on the go at a rigorous pace from wake-up time to bedtime. 

  Wake-up patterns vary, also.  There are those who get the call to wake up and immediately jump out of bed, ready to face the day.  For some, when the wake-up call comes, they ignore it and go back to sleep.  Of those in the latter category, the follow-up call achieves positive results.  Then there are those who only respond when they have run out of time or feel threatened if they fail to get out of bed. 

One bad apple, too much chaff…

  It is not a physical sleep from which we need to awaken.  It is from that deep emotional, spiritual sleep that has caused us to close our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts.  We are in such a state of sleep that we have stationed guards to ensure that no light is allowed to shine into the darkness of that sleep. As a result, we have collectively lost our health – emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, financial. 

  To help us understand how this can happen, think of the saying, “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch,”  Imagine then what can happen if there are several bad apples.  That’s right, the spoiling process happens quicker, because there are more rotten apples near the good apples. The same is true if too much chaff is left in with the wheat.  The chaff can spoil the good effects of the wheat.

  Are those guards we have stationed allowing too many bad apples to do damage to the good apples?  Is too much chaff being left in with the wheat? 

  We are not apples.  We are humans, capable of doing our own thinking.  We make choices.  Choices have consequences.  If those choices are based on falsehoods spoken loudly by those who have their own self interests at heart, then they are following man’s ways. They are showing love of self above all else.   If those choices are based on truths spoken by still, small voices then they are following God’s ways. They are showing love of God and love of others as self.  Suggestion from God:  Make all choices – great and small — based on God’s ways, not man’s ways.

  God asks again, “What does it take to wake you?”  He adds, “Wake up, America, and Reconcile — for your own sake, for the sake of others, for the sake of the church, for the sake of the nation, and for the sake of the world, the sooner the awakening process begins, the better.  You must be awake to Reconcile.” 

UPCOMING: D-Day repost at God’s request

Followed by: Early morning 5/28/24 saw a return to using a song to teach a lesson:

‘Love Can Build a Bridge’  (Paul Overstreet, Naomi Ellen Judd, John Jarvis)