What church is meant to be

My concerns were God’s concerns…

As I’ve written in previous blogs, it was concerns that took me to God in prayer in 2014.  It was his miracle answer — ‘reconciliation’ –to those concerns that led to the call to be God’s disciple messenger.  Concerns have lingered.  God’s answers have been steadfast. 

Past experiences caused my concerns…

Often when answering my prayerful concerns, I was told why I had that concern.  For example, when taking my concerns to him about the many claiming to be pro-life who were fighting the very measures that protect life (seat belts, helmets, not texting while driving, masks, vaccines), God reminded me of the family history connected to past epidemics:

My maternal grandmother died of flu in December 2018 – during the great flu epidemic of 2018 — after nursing back to health a family who had the flu.  She left behind 6 children ranging in age from 6 -18 and their devoted, loving father.  Mother said that during this awful flu epidemic that took so many lives, people did isolation, wore masks — Mother called them face coverings — and did all available to them at the time to stay safe.  I was also reminded that I lived through the polio scare where parents did all they could to protect their children.  A friend got polio which compounded the fear for our parents.  Thankfully, he recovered.  When the polio vaccine came, people were grateful for it and eager for their children and themselves to get it. 

You attend a church which…

When talking with God about those who call themselves church causing harm, even unto church itself, with their divisive words and actions that seemed contrary to the teachings of Jesus, God’s answer to this disciple messenger came and follows:

“You belong to a church in which its members call themselves disciples.  Gathering around the table is an important part of each worship service. Following the example of Jesus and in his memory, all are invited to the table.  It is a church that deems relationships important – with each other, with the church, and, most of all, with God.   It is a movement for wholeness and renewal in a fragmented world.  It values mission near and far and justice for all.  Disciples going into all the world making other disciples is recognized as a Biblical calling.  Accomplishing goals involves cooperation within the disciple church at large and with other churches and faith communities. The Disciples already have in place a Ministry of Reconciliation.  This is church as it is meant to be.”

Full disclosure:  It would be misleading and false to claim that every member of a disciple church believes and practices all for which the church stands.  Misleading, too, would be claiming that no member would figuratively build walls or make hurtful remarks.  In fact, this disciple has heard things said within the walls of the church, by ones considered pillars of the church, which were hurtful and not in keeping with the guidelines set by Jesus.  For examples:  I heard, when people who had been made to feel unwanted left the church, “Good riddance, they don’t believe like we do.”  I also heard from one who was a leader in church, racist words used about ‘Mexicans, Japs, Gays’, and saw the postings of toxic political signs done by this person and by ones who shared his, or similar, views. There are those who have gotten angry when reminded that they should love everyone — even enemies.  Their responses, verbal and non-verbal, have shown that, for them, political thinking has precedence over God’s teachings (Matthew 5: 44). I can tell you that this disciple messenger has wept and prayed for these, and I have no doubt that God has wept, also, and has heard my prayers.

Additions made to what church is meant to be…

  Paul’s letters to the churches give us glimpses of what church is meant to be…

    *Encourage one another. 

*Do not allow divisions, reconcile differences.  

    *God doth provide – more than enough for all — share your abundance.

    *Establish a relationship with God, sit at the feet of Jesus to learn his ways.

    *Be joyful in service, even in times when it seems there is not much about which to be joyful.  Find joy in knowing God is with you.

    *The words you speak and the actions you perform should mirror your beliefs.  (Use words to the song ‘They will know we are Christians by our love’ to guide your words and actions.)

*Do all you can to bring about reconciliation.  NOTE:  The early church did not use names that caused division – they were called the church then the designation of the town or city – such as, the church at Corinth.  God suggests following that pattern, perhaps simply, The Disciples Church or Disciples of Christ. Reminder: Do not call yourselves disciples unless you mean it. God will know the truth.        

God’s mission for the church…  

     *Love God.  Love others as you love self.  

     *Wish for others what you wish for self.

     *Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God. 

     *Love and nurture one another, encourage one another, work together as disciples, be God’s hands, feet, and voice in the world, and spread his messages of love, reconciliation, and salvation.

     *Praise and glorify God.  Let the SON shine through in all you say and in all you do. 

UPCOMING: Veteran’s Day — to whom will you bestow honor?
