/ God’s love / By A Disciple Messenger

as delivered by a faithful disciple messenger
God speaks…
“Greetings and salutations to my dear children – that is everyone, no exceptions – “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Best Valentine ever!
Today we are receiving the most important Valentine we have ever received, because it is from God. His chosen disciple messenger is responsible for its delivery. Be not concerned that the Valentine did not arrive on February 14th. Because, with God, every day is Valentine’s Day, as evidenced by the fact that he continually showers us with love’s blessings.
It is appropriate that God chose a love message as a way to begin speaking. All of his messages are messages of love that, if received and heeded, will guide us to ‘love God’ and ‘love one another’ as he has commanded us to do.
Love is, love isn’t, love does, love doesn’t
The scripture, 1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 8, will help us understand what love is and what love is not, as well as what love does and does not. Firstly, the scripture emphasizes that love does not envy, boast, keep a record of wrongs, or delight in evil. Secondly, love is not proud, rude, self-serving or easily angered. Thirdly, love is patient, kind, always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres, rejoices with the truth. Moreover, love never fails. In conclusion, God asks, “Does your love meet these standards? If not, what changes do you need to make?”
God’s forever love is all-inclusive
God’s love for us is so great, so amazing, that no matter how sinful we are, his love is ever present, everlasting. Because he puts no restrictions on that love neither should we put restrictions on whom we love. Further, Matthew 5: 44 and Luke 6: 27 – 28 tell us to love even our enemies — to do good, not bad, do not show wrath toward them rather pray for them. Similarly, Romans 12: 14, 17 – 19 urges us to bless those who persecute you and that evil must not be repaid with evil. In short, we should strive to live at peace with everyone.
About his love, God says, “My love has no expiration date. However, it does have a best-when-to-start-accepting date and that date is now.”
Lifesaving Messages are on their way
This Valentine is just the beginning of God’s lifesaving, soul-saving messages. His messages of truth will be delivered softly and tenderly, via the Internet in order to provide healing and to counter the loud messages of untruths that are causing pain, division, and devastation being sent by far too many others. They will, according to his directives, begin their quiet journey through disciples in Missouri, the Show- Me State, and will spread to disciples throughout the Heartland. Continuing, they will be passed along until they have been made known throughout all the world. God has always intended for his work to be done in this way: disciples are called to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. God is a Lifesaver and these are his lifesaving messages.
Be not afraid, instead be joyful
Because God’s messages have not always been joyfully received, even rejected at times, God says: “Fear not; yea, behold these good tidings of great joy which are for all people: Messages of truth are being delivered anew unto you so that Light may replace darkness. If you choose to receive and heed this gift of love – the greatest love story ever retold – with eyes open so that my messages of truth will be heard, minds open to understanding truth over untruths, and hearts open to love, I will heal you, restore your health – mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual; yea, I will restore your very soul.”
Be watchful for more important messages, because you will learn from them how souls can be restored. In the meantime, God repeats, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
UPCOMING: What to expect and not expect from this Site