Puzzles Put Together on Soggy Ground

Knowing the importance of getting it right with God’s way and God’s time, I was having trouble writing this blog entry.  I had been given the topic – Puzzles put together on soggy ground/Oh, Say Can’t you see? — but that was it.  I knew, however, that if I waited for it, it would come. 

At 3:45 a. m., July 11, 2024, following a dream about people putting puzzles together on damp, soggy ground, I awoke to hear God explain that there were, and still are, too many people who put their life’s puzzle together on soggy ground.  He explained that each one will then pick up the damp puzzle pieces, put them into a box to insure that they will never be mixed with puzzle pieces from people unlike them — ones who do not look like them, think like them, speak like them, worship like them, vote like them –, and tightly seal the box only to find upon opening the box a few weeks later to add other chosen pieces to their puzzle that the pieces in the box are moldy and falling apart. 

I knew God was calling me to our Garden of Prayer.  I joined him there, ready to listen and learn, and learn I did.  God answered my pleas for help. From 3:45 a.m. to 6:45 a.m. we talked.  I listened to and tried to absorb all God had to say.  At 6:45 a.m. I was told to get up and begin recording what I had been told.  From the minute I sat down at the computer, I felt a guiding of my fingers on the keyboard.  I realized that God wanted his message to be passed along in a way that there could be no misunderstanding of the content.  It was to be a ‘tough love’ message given because God loves his children and wants to save souls.  He wants to be able to fit as many life puzzles as possible into that heavenly puzzle where he has made room for each.

He called the people — who were putting together their life’s puzzle in ways that caused damage and even complete destruction of pieces — sogs.  Just as he had explained before what he meant by sogs, he did so again, “The sogs are ones who put themselves first, their country first, the church they attend first. Next, they put others who look like them, think like them, worship like them, vote like them.  Their idols and gods are lower case i ams – thinking more highly of themselves than they ought to think – wanna be rulers, thus, reducing the one true God to a lower case g god.”

They pledge allegiance to the flags displaying images of and the name of the idol ruler printed in huge letters.  They have turned the Christian flag and the flag of their country into flags of support for this wanna be, lower case i am.  Some fly the American flag upside down to falsely declare, ‘our country is in crisis because the election in 2020 was stolen.’” 

According to the Heavenly Savior, their pledges of allegiance to this earthly-appointed savior have the following meaning, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the political savior for which it stands.  Like-minded people uniting under an earthly savior, heavily armed, and willing to fight to the death for him – or willing to sit idly or silently by as others fight to the death for him — and for the conspiracy theories which he and we promote as truths. Our rights over the rights of others, our untruths over truths, liberty, and justice for him and for us.  His will be done. This I freely pledge.”

God says, “Know this:  They don’t have to say the words aloud, their actions and devoted support say it for them.” 

NOTE:  The words to this pledge were given to me and recorded in the God-requested journal on 3/4/22 – dated proof is available on the messenger’s computer and in hard copy – with slight changes made on 7/15/24 to help us better understand what they are pledging. The devotion has only become stronger since that March day in 2022.  God says they don’t admit to being sogs who are following conspiracy theories, taking away rights of others, willing to fight to death, seeking liberty and justice for this idol and for themselves as his devoted followers. They call themselves and others like them ‘heroes’, ‘patriots’,  ‘warriors’, ‘the moral ones’.  A word of caution to these sogs:  God knows what is in their hearts, and what they are doing, speaking, and thinking is not in keeping with his ways. 

They are failing to love God and love others as self.  Ways you can see for yourself that it is not love of God and others they are showing:  They made a gold idol into a god that they have placed above the true God. They worshipped, and continue worshipping, this idol every day, even on the Sabbath day, labeled him savior thus taking the Lord’s name in vain and failing to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.  By promising devotion to their idol and clinging to him only, they are committing adultery against family, friends, and, most of all, against God.  They are stealing from others when they want only liberty and justice for themselves and not for othersFalse witnessing against ones unlike them flows out of their mouths in a constant stream.  With their words and actions, they are failing to honor their parents, especially their Heavenly Father.  Murder has been committed in many ways: not following health guidelines, pushing guns, guns, guns, and with evil words coming out of mouths thus killing spirits.  They are coveting what belongs to their neighbors and because of their selfish, covetous, hateful, hurtful, greed, and wrath-filled ways, they are refusing to reconcile differences.  Because of their refusal to reconcile, order, peace, justice, harmony, goodness, and mercy are not being restored and cannot be restored until reconciliation takes place.

Oh, say, can’t they see that they are repeating lies, conspiracy theories, wrathful/hate filled words that are causing harm to the very things they claim to love – family, government, country, Constitution, children, emotional/physical/financial/mental/spiritual health, thus causing harm to church?”

“Oh, say, can’t they see that they are wandering in the wilderness, journeying through the Valley of the Shadow of Death?” 

“Oh, say, can’t they see that when they pray the Lord’s prayer asking, ‘lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil and asking that Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,’ that they are hypocrites?  They seemingly are praying for my help, then showing by their words and actions that they are not asking for my help but have taken it upon themselves to do things in man’s ways and in man’s time.  In truth, they are not praying, but rather are repeating words which have no meaning to them or for them – to put it plainly, they are empty words.  They have no love for anyone other than themselves.  They only respect ones who look, think, speak and act like them.  Their words are like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  They have become like the Pharisees and Scribes of the days of Jesus.  They think themselves the holiest of holies while refusing to follow the ways of Jesus.  Oh, say, can’t they see that the Son is like the Father?  His ways are My ways.”  

God then suggests you read 1 Corinthians 13: 1 — with the notation that 1 Corinthians is pronounced first Corinthians — to get the full meaning of why the words of these sogs are like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

God continues speaking, “A favorite Bible scripture is the 23rd Psalm. The sogs repeat it often claiming that the true Lord is their shepherd, thus they want not.  They claim he leads them to green pastures and still waters so that their souls might be restored and leads them in paths of righteousness so that his name and ways might be honored.  They repeat this, but again they are Pharisee-like hypocrites.  They are not following me to those green pastures and still waters so that their souls might be restored.  They are not following my lead to paths of righteousness.  Their words and actions are meaningless — like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal to me.  To make matters worse, they claim that I am blessing them richly because they are so holy, so right.  I call it self-righteousness and that is not a label one should seek.” 

God repeats, “They are wandering in the wilderness, journeying through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  By doing so, they are causing lost souls – not only theirs, but others who follow the wrong leader or leaders.”

God suggested that 1 Corinthians 13: 1- 3 once again be read and absorbed to get the full meaning of why their words are like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  He then said, “Oh, say can’t they see that their souls can never be saved if they refuse to do what is necessary to begin their journey out of the wilderness?  Oh, say can’t they see that wandering in the wilderness has always meant to be a time of learning, a time of preparation for their future forever life?  Oh, say can’t they see that they are wasting this opportunity to prepare for the forever life that I desire for them?”

They have a choice according to God.  They can continue to put their puzzles together on soggy ground then lock the pieces in boxes where they will mold and fall apart, or they can find solid ground on which to build their puzzles, never lock in the pieces in darkness, rather allow the Light to shine upon them.  The choice made will determine acceptance or rejection of life puzzles into the great Heavenly puzzle.

Upcoming:  Light or Darkness?  Your Choice.