Letter to Ron Reagan

My child, Ron Reagan,

Your father, Ronald Reagan, had a Disciples of Christ background.  Your grandmother was a disciple.  This Disciple background led your father to be optimistic about the future — his smile showed that optimism.  He believed that good would manage to overcome evil, and even in the darkest of times, he saw hope for liberty, justice, peace, and harmony through reconciliation.

Your earthly father if he could talk with you would say, “I am proud of you, son, for calling out those who are willing to lie, cheat or steal to gain power.  They are casting a dark shadow on the presidency and upon democracy.  I ask that you quit denying God.  God is a living God, at work in the world today through disciples, who are guided by the Spirit and are willing to be God’s voice, hands, and feet.  God is the Light that can overcome the darkness.”

Honor your father and grandmother by allowing yourself to be optimistic, believing that good will always overcome evil, and that even amid darkness, see hope for liberty, peace, and harmony through reconciliation. Look for the Light that will help overcome today’s darkness. 

Your earthly father can no longer speak to you, but I, your Heavenly Father can.  I yearn for a relationship with you –sooner, rather than later, would be best.  Open your eyes, ears, and heart to the truths that are all around you.  Let me have a dwelling place in your heart.  Continue to speak out against the evils of this world – allow God’s spirit to guide you. I am the Light that will help overcome the darkness.  I am a lifesaver, and I am wanting to save you.

I do not want you to ‘burn in hell’ and neither would your earthly parents want that.  Listen and respond to my tender voice that is earnestly, tenderly calling for you to make a place in your heart for me.

With Love’s sincerity,

Your Heavenly Father

P. S.  Please share this letter with those you know who say they, too, are not afraid of ‘burning in hell’.  Ask them to share with others.   I want a relationship with all my children.