Letter to my Children

My dear children,

Who among you doesn’t like getting letters from loved ones, from dear friends, from acquaintances, from organizations letting you know how have helped them help others, letters bearing good news?  These kinds of letters lift the spirits, bring smiles to your face even while sometimes bringing tears to your eyes when the news shared touches your heart.  Touching of the heart is what these letters do in a way that no other means of sharing can.

Today, by today I mean whatever day it comes into your view, you are going to receive a letter from me — God, Jehovah. Yahweh, Most High, I AM , whatever name you choose to call me.  It is as your Father who art in Heaven that I am writing these letters, the one who wants you to love me with all your heart, soul, and mind, the one whose will should be done on earth as it is in heaven, the one who gives you daily bread, the one who will forgive your debts as you forgive your debtors, the one who will never lead you into temptation and will work right up to the time you draw your last breath to deliver you from evil.  I am writing these letters today as your Heavenly Father, the one who loves you and all my creation with a love that is beyond human understanding, the one who is yearning for a relationship with you. 

Through the blog, I have already been speaking to you.  I have let you know in ‘The Valentine’ what love is and what love isn’t.  I have let you know of my Lifesaving Plan,

I have let you know of woes and abominations.   I have let you know things that you are doing and saying show me whether you know me or don’t know me at all.   I have used tough love ways of changing hearts — wrapped in a Father’s love.  I’ve also asked what it takes to wake you. I’ve told you that my disciple messenger’s concerns are my concerns.  I have given shouts out to a few of my children – Carrie Underwood, Pope Francis, Jimmie Carter who has lived a servant’s life and has lived long enough to vote once again with a Christian heart thus setting the example for how we should all vote, and all the others named in the blog entries ‘Recognizing Disciples at work in today’s world’ and ’ Women Called to carry God’s Messages’.  Through it all I have let you know that the messages are mine or inspired by me and/or by my SON – like Father, like SON and like SON, like Father.  No one else should take the credit, accept honors or awards in their names , or receive the criticism or wrath that will result when these messages are made known to the world by disciples in America.   

NOTE:  I am asking my dear child William Barber – named in the blog entry  ‘Recognizing Disciples at Work in Today’s World’ — to be my voice in getting out my messages and to accept honors, in my name, such as, the Noble Peace Prize or TIME’S Person of the Year/Creator for all Time/Master Soul Saver/Heavenly Father.  Honors would draw attention to my messages and help spread them far and wide.  He has given me the honor and glory in all the work he has done, and I am asking him to continue that pattern.  I am also asking my dear child Oprah Winfrey to help get my messages out to the world.  May books be written, blogs continued, social media, word of mouth and meditations of the heart be used to spread my messages to all my children.  Through it all, my dear disciple messenger should have a say – she has been faithful in recording my messages and she will be faithful in making decisions about how those messages should be relayed.  If there is money made, she and her  husband, who was called by me in November 2014 to be her helper, should also be involved in determining the use of that money.  They each have a servant’s heart, have sacrificially used their own time, talents, and money in my service, and will be good guides in helping a team of disciples make decisions on how the money would best be used in service.

Having said all the above, I know that not all my children will receive my messages in ways that will lead to a change of heart.  Greed, love of power, wrath, and revenge will continue to lead many to stubbornly cling to man’s ways which conflict with my ways.   Therefore, I will be writing letters – some to very specifically-named individuals and some to specific groups.  These, of necessity, will be tough love messages.  They are meant as wake up calls – calls to ‘Wake up!  Reconcile!’ so that my Light may begin to shine into the darkness, so that many souls might be saved which will result in more happily ever afters.  Joy and happily ever afters are what I want for my children.

Peace, Joy, Love,

Your Heavenly Father

 NOTE from God’s disciple messenger:   I posted the blog entry ‘God speaks:  I AM the October Surprise’ late afternoon Wednesday, October 16, 2024. I understood that God wanted his messages to be an October surprise, but October was quickly moving along. I also understood that God had more in mind, so my work was not finished.  I went to bed that night not knowing what God wanted next.  I went to God in prayer asking for his guidance.  I went to sleep and had a good night’s rest before being awakened at 5 a.m. on the 17th with very specific instructions.  I lay quietly listening until 6 a.m. when I got up and went directly to the computer to begin recording, as best I could remember, what I had heard.  I did not have to tax my brain because God gave me what he wanted – it was as though my fingers were being guided word by word.  It was not my first experience with having this happen.  What was unique about it though was that God was giving me whole thoughts, whole sentences that led to whole paragraphs.  There were no blanks for me to fill in; God provided all. If errors are made, it is because the messenger made them in trying to get the information down quickly and then failed to catch the errors while proofing.  The result is as near to God’s specifications as this disciple messenger can possibly make it. Beyond that, God is whispering to me what he wants to say in upcoming letters and postings, providing further proof that if I ask for help, I will receive it.  I am constantly amazed and filled with joy at God’s help and guidance given to me.

UPCOMING: Letter to Ron Reagan