Letter to anyone who has ever taken an oath of office

This letter is to anyone, past or present at any level of government, of any party, who has ever received a letter saying to vote or act with a Christian heart.  It is also to anyone, past or present at any level of government, of any party, who has never received a letter saying to vote or act with a Christian heart.  It is to everyone who has ever taken an oath for office.  It is for judges and justices, from lowest to highest level.

Most of you took an oath of office that said the following or something similar:  “I, your name, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.  So help me God.”

You know what is shown in the Bible about taking oaths, pledges, vows.  In case you have forgotten, take time now to read some relevant Bible verses.  (Numbers 30: 2, Numbers 30: 3- 15, Deuteronomy 24: 17, James 5: 12, Matthew 5: 33 – 37, Numbers 30: 2, Matthew 23: 23,).

You pledged in my name that oath that you would seek my help in making decisions. If you meant that, if it is in your heart to do right, you will pay attention to what I want you to do. (Senator Romney demonstrated voting true to his heart during the impeachment trial.  He stayed true to the oath taken before me to exercise impartial justice.) If you didn’t mean what you swore to, you should not have sworn it.  Your words and actions show those who cannot see what is in your heart whether you are staying true to your promise or not.  Just know that I, God, sees all, hears all, knows all.  There will come a time when you have to pay a price for your infidelities.

What does God ask of you?  It is stated clearly in the book of Micah : 8:  “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

This is not the Republican or Democrat way, it is God’s way. Justice, mercy, humility, fairness, honesty, integrity, truth are to be on display by word and deed.  Having a Christian heart means some movement toward the middle on everyone’s part, some balance toward the SON’s way. Show that you are on God’s side by seeking to do good for as many of the people as is possible, all the time and do so humbly in a just, merciful, and fair way, using truths as your guide.  Reconcile differences for the good of all.

Some good things to live by are the Golden Rule that says we should do unto others as you would have them do to you.  A twist on this says to Do to others as though you are the others. 

Another good quote — John Wesley — that is one to heed, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”  Take notice that it says all the people, not just the ones who think like you, look like you.  You don’t always do the Golden Rule part or the do good for all part.  I know because I see all, hear all, know all.  You may fool others, even yourself, but you can never fool me.

You promised to defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.  You have been challenged during these trying times in this area.  There are both foreign (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) and domestic (White supremacists, armed militia groups, sovereign citizens groups, and religious terrorists) groups and individuals at work, some in plain sight—accepted and praised because they appear to be helping establish law and order. They are not deserving of acceptance or praise.  They certainly are not deserving of laws passed that help them push their ways.  They do not need judges and justices giving support to their ways.

FACT:  There are right-wing and left-wing extremist groups, however, most attacks, as reported by reliable sources and as observed, in US are from right-wing extremists targeting abortion clinics, religious institutions, and individuals because of religion, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political views.  White supremacy is the ‘most persistent and lethal’ terror threat in the United States, according to the Department of Homeland Security.  They usually are heavily armed, often display flags, and show their support of QAnon conspiracy theories.

Any leader who accepts help from one of these groups is complicit to their actions and should be held accountable according to the oath taken. Leaders have called these groups “very fine people”, “very responsible, they’ve been treated a little bit rough” while at the same time calling Black Lives Matter and other protesters “thugs,” “anarchists,” “Disgraceful, never seen anything like it.”  It has been falsely claims that all the violence is being done by left-wing actors, falsely claimed that Biden wants to defund police.  Dictators have been praised and leaders of allied countries attacked.  All who have made any of these claims are guilty and any who have taken up for any of these groups or for any of the members who have acted on behalf of these groups are complicit.   

When you took the oath of office, you stated that you had no intention of evading your duties.  Actions and words from far too many of you have too often shown otherwise.  If it is easy for ones with eyes and ears open to the truth to behold your evasions, think how much easier it is for me – God — who knows what is in your heart.

You have turned blind eyes and deaf ears to the immigration situations.  Families have been torn apart and children locked in cages at the border.  It was happening in 2020 – over 5,500 children separated from families, and as of 2024, despite all efforts, not all children had been reunited with family.   Migrant families are still being targeted. Young people, the Dreamers, who have known no homeland other than the United States have been left in limbo, not knowing whether they might be deported, lose access to education and to work visas.  It is in your power and is an obligation to right wrongs.  Failure to do so is a broken oath.

Quality public education is a right.  In recent years there have been many attempts to destroy it. Public money given to private schools, religious schools (which are often fronts for white supremacist schools), charter schools, or used for vouchers do harm to public education. Suggestion:  forget about tax credits for those who donate to nonprofit scholarship funds.  Forget about using money meant for public education for anything other than public education.  It is in your power to right wrongs. Failure to do so is a broken promise.

Our schools are not protected.  The number of school shootings has been staggering yet little has been done about the problem.   The answer far too often is to put more guns into the hands of citizens.  This has led to more shootings and has also given more power to white supremacists and individuals prone to take part in militant groups. Gun sales have skyrocketed in recent years and especially so during and since the coronavirus day. Armed action against others (your neighbors as meant in the Bible) has been encouraged and the call answered.  It is in your power to right wrongs.  Failure to do so is a broken oath.

Health of our citizens should be your concern, but your actions have shown you do not care that many are without insurance. Since the Affordable Care Act came into being, there has been efforts to do away with it, yet no alternatives were offered.  Getting rid of it while offering nothing in return is not a viable option.  If it is dismantled, millions of Americans will be left without health insurance.  The pandemic was poorly handled at the beginning.  It was hard to recover.  Many needless lives were lost.  As if that isn’t enough damage to be done, Medicaid has been under attack in many Republican states, hurting the most vulnerable – low-income families with children, pregnant women, and the elderly.  Social Security, food aid has been targeted.  Have you forgotten that I have asked you to feed the hungry?   Have you forgotten your pledge to all people, not just selected ones?   It is in your power to right wrongs.  Failure to do so is broken pledge.

Much of the harm to education and health has been caused by tax cuts, especially hard hit were states such as Kansas and Missouri that cut taxes on the wealthy.  Plain and simple:  If you cut taxes, you have less revenue to provide needed services.  Thousands of lives could have been saved by the coronavirus if the response had been handled in a responsible manner – one that showed as much concern for human lives as it showed for the economy. One that was a humane approach rather than a clinging-to-politics approach.  Those of you who had the power and the obligation to respond with a Christian heart and failed that obligation, broke your solemn pledge.  

It is long past time to begin, but begin you must, to vote with a Christian heart.  The darkness must disappear from the way this country treats We the People.  Let it begin with helping the most vulnerable.  May that be just the starting point to showing justice, mercy, honesty, truth, integrity, compassion, fairness, humility.  You made the pledge, now show that you mean what you pledged.  Failure to do so means a broken pledge.

“And, do you know why you — you here applies to all mentioned –government servants, those in extremist groups, foreign dictators, media personalities, those who own guns with the intent to use them to cause harm and those who sell the guns, those who knowingly tell lies, QAnon conspiracy theorists, those responsible for the children taken at the border, all who have stood by and said nothing as unjust acts were performed, who let others try to desecrate the Constitution, the nation’s laws, the environment, innocents yet said nothing, who wished for yourself what you did not want for others or, worse yet, wished for yourself what you fought to keep others from having, and ones, especially religious leaders and ones who had great influence over others, who supported any of the above with votes or any other way  — are being given this chance to have a change of heart, this chance to right wrongs?  You are being given a chance to have a change of heart because you are loved you, you are my precious children, created in my image.  i want those created in my image to show by words and actions that you are following the example of Jesus, for that’s my way – like Son, like Father.  

I AM wanting to save souls, show that you want that, too.

Softly and tenderly calling you to obey your oaths,

 I AM the one who has heard your oaths, your promises

I want you to say what you mean and mean what you say.

And never forget the promise to love and serve me that many of you have made…

                     God, your loving Heavenly Father

Upcoming: Letter to Rush Limbaugh