I AM Messages

I had a feeling that God was directing me toward the end of the blog.  I had only a few things left to post.  Still, I was not comfortable assuming that my thinking was correct.  I needed to hear from God.

On October 7, 2024, I prayed into the late evening and early night hours.  Among the many things I prayed about was that I asked for a signal – something that would give his blessed assurance that I was on the right track.  I said it could be in any form – a dream, a contact from someone, or via a voice message.  I asked that it be something that I wouldn’t be thinking about, rather something  ‘out of the blue’ that could only have come from him.  I stayed awake a long time afterward listening for a reply,

I fell asleep shortly after midnight. 

In the early hours of the morning of October 8, 2024, I was awakened by something.  I wasn’t sure what it had been.  I asked God, “Is it you, Lord, who awakened me?  Is it another one of your airification-like ways of getting my attention?  I’m listening.”

After a brief period of silence, I heard, “I AM the one who called to you to slow down, pull over to the shoulder, and stop in 1962.  By your following my directions many lives were saved, thus souls were saved.”

I immediately knew he was referring to the time when I was late getting on the road for a weekend visit with my boyfriend (now my husband) at his parents’ home.

I was driving fast to get in as much daylight driving as possible.  I had just passed a string of cars when I clearly heard a voice telling me that I should slow down, pull over to the shoulder, and stop.  I did as told.  It surprised me when the cars I had just passed pulled over and stopped behind me.  We had just stopped when a car from the other side of the divided highway came rolling over and over in front of us.  The men from the other cars ran to help the passengers in the car that had rolled over.  The women came to check on me, and after seeing that I was all right, they asked why I had pulled over.  I was alone in the car.  I thought I knew whose voice had given me the instructions, but I was afraid to tell them that a voice had told me, so I just said that I had the urge to slow down and pull over.  They said they were glad I followed the urge and glad they had all pulled over behind me, having done so because they had noticed I was a young woman, all alone, driving fast before suddenly slowing to a stop.  They thought I must need help. All lives were saved by that voice. 

Yes, I thought I had heard God’s voice, but I was afraid to tell others for fear they would not believe me and would ridicule me.  Now here I am years later, having no fear in saying that I have heard God’s voice many, many times.  And for those who are wondering what God’s voice sounds like I would say, “It is a voice of  truth, hope, and love – a love so strong that it will not let us go.  It is a voice that implants within us a yearning to hear more and more.  It is a soft voice that, if we listen carefully for it and to it, the loud voices that are filling our ears, hearts, and minds with falsehoods, fear, wrath  will be overcome by its strength.”

I AM the one who told your grandfather that your parents would have a girl, and she would be born on his birthday.

I have often wondered, “How did my grandfather know?”

The oft-told story of how my paternal grandfather started telling my parents and brother — soon after a devastating loss in December 1935 of a precious 9-month-old baby girl to pneumonia – that they would have another girl, and she would be born on his birthday came to mind.  On his birthday in 1940, I was born.

And now, after all these years, I know who gave the message to my grandfather.  What a precious gift he was given and how grateful we who were privileged to hear the story passed along are.  What a treasured family legacy it is.  It is not the only legacy he left and passed along to others of us.

Priceless legacies…

It is through that paternal side of my family, led by my grandfather, that we learned the importance of public education, of being guided by principles over politics, of love and care for God’s creation, of taking time to enjoy life – dancing instead of fretting –, of helping the least of these – especially children –, of public service, of taking care of one’s health, of compassion, and of patience.  Like father, like son – my father continued the loving, caring ways of his father.  He passed along these ways to me. 

My father also taught me about guns.  He grew up on a farm where a gun was needed for protection from animals – animals of all sorts, including man — and for providing food.  He went hunting, not for sport but to provide food – deer and squirrels are what I remember.  Hunting for food lasted throughout his life.  He taught my brother to respect guns and use them for food provisions.  Dad would share with family, friends, and neighbors – always cleaned and ready to eat.  He enjoyed fishing also.  He always cleaned, deboned, and shared the fruits of his catch with grateful family, friends, and neighbors. 

My father taught me a valuable life’s lesson about guns through an experience that I remember today as though it happened yesterday.  One day, his sister, my aunt, ran into our house, locked the doors, and told us her ex-husband had been following and threatening her.  She had managed to lose him when he got caught at a red light.  She knew he would eventually end up looking for her at our house.  He did.  He stood outside a window, waving his pistol, and ordering her to come out.  It was obvious he had been drinking.  Dad got his shotgun, went to the window, and using a calm voice – he always used his calm voice – he asked his ex-brother-in-law, whom he still considered a friend, what he wanted.  When he named the one he wanted to talk with, Dad told him that wasn’t a good idea. He told him, “You have been drinking, and you and I know that you do not make wise decisions when you have been drinking.  After a while of back-and-forth talk, Dad talked his friend into putting away his gun, and calmly leaving.  He did suggest to him that he should go somewhere and sleep off his drunkenness before he hurt himself or someone else.  Thankfully, he must have followed Dad’s advice, no harm done.

As soon as Dad put away his gun and I knew the situation was behind us.  I ran to Dad crying. He took me on his lap.  I told him I was afraid he would shoot the man and then he would be sent to jail.  Dad told me that the gun wasn’t loaded and was never loaded when in the house. He then explained that he could never shoot someone unless it was the absolute last choice to save the life of a family member.  He said he had a gun for hunting food and that’s the only reason he hoped he would ever be using it.   Dad then explained that this person was a long-time friend and was once married to my aunt.  “The man, Dad said, “is a good person, but he has a drinking problem.  It is only when he is drunk that he turns into someone who makes poor decisions.”  He also explained that it was his drinking problem that caused the divorce.”

Though Dad went fishing and hunting for food, being out in nature and enjoying God’s creation was important, too, as were the outdoor times spent with other family members or with friends.  Those were good bonding and relationship-building experiences for him.  I treasure the outdoor times I had with my father – fishing, skipping rocks at the lake or creek, walking along beaches picking up unusual rocks and shells, sitting and listening for bird calls, listening and naming the night sounds, etc. 

Precious memories, how they linger!

God has told me that it is patience, compassion, importance of public education, finding joy in simple pleasures – enjoying nature (God’s creation), playing games with neighborhood kids and with family – all things I learned from my Dad and my grandfather — that I needed to have the concerns I had and still have.  Also,  patience and love of God and others were needed to receive the messages and get them recorded in God’s way and used in God’s time.

I also needed the things I learned from my maternal grandfather, my mother and her siblings, and my cousins.  Mother’s father was also gentle, kind, very smart, and had a talent for writing and art.  Mother was very talented, too.  She had a beautiful alto voice and used it in praise of God and in service to the least of these.  She was also a good teacher and put her teaching skills in use by teaching Sunday School for 70 years.  She was also involved in women’s church work.  She shared her talents with others every day of her life.  I did not have the same talents that Mother and my Grandfather had, but I had other strengths that I have tried to use in service. 

God has told me that it was my Mother’s example of finding joy in serving the Lord and that led me to joyous service.  He said he needed a joyful servant, and I was the one chosen.  It was my Mother standing up to evil that gave me courage to speak out against the evil that God has called me to speak against.  Like Mother, like daughter works here.  God needed someone fearless enough to write God’s messages of concern caused by evil forces.  I always thought of myself as being fearful.  God changed that when he called me to be his disciple messenger.  He told me to fear not.  That has wiped away my fears.   

God wants us all to be fearless servants – search to find the number of times ’ fear not’ is mentioned in the Bible.  Tuning out the voices of the lower case i ams  who want and need us to be filled with fear so that we look to them to be kept safe and turning to God for comfort and hope are the only things that will save us.  God is a loving God who wants us to love him and love others as we love ourselves. 

I AM the one who chose your husband.

I dated a wonderful young man during my freshman year in college.  My parents gave their approval of him and his parents. It was a mutual approval.  His younger sister and I bonded instantly, and she was, several years later, my little sister in the social service club to which we belonged.  I loved him, but I realized it wasn’t the kind of love that it needed to be for a successful marital relationship. I broke up with him that summer. 

In my sophomore year, my now husband asked me out after having seen me on stage in a skit.  We started out as friends, which I think is a necessary step in the process, before we realized that we had a relationship filled with love that would last forever and ever. Something important to each of us was our mutual background in the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ and we felt blessed by that binding tie. 

I AM the one who guided your finger to point on the Missouri map where I needed you to be.

I thought of that day of decision about where my husband and I wanted to plant permanent home roots.  We wanted to live somewhere between my husband’s parents and my parents.  Missouri was our state of choice.  Having made the decision on the state, we got an atlas and turned to the Missouri map.  While my husband held the map, I closed my eyes and pointed.  The city my finger landed on is the only place to which we requested job interviews, were granted interviews, were hired, and worked for the same employers until our retirement in 1997.  We have lived in the same city since 1965 and the same house for 52 years of that time. 

We had often shared our mutual feeling that God had a hand in guiding us to our permanent home in Missouri.  Now, God just confirmed that he did, indeed, guide my finger that now long-ago day.  Also, God has told me several times through the past few years that he needed me to be in Missouri, a heartland state – with Hartville, Missouri, being the population center of the United States — so that I would be in a place that helped form many of my concerns as well as the place from which he wants his messages of truth, love, and reconciliation to start their journey throughout America and the world.  He has said that being in the heartland was important because it is hearts that need to change from being sin filled to love filled. 

Note:  Hartville is the exact center point of the population of the U. S. according to the 2020 Center of Population Press Kit from the United States Census Bureau.

God says that the heart of the United States population of America is named Hartland (pronounced Heartland – according to God ) and is in Missouri – just what he needed and wanted it to be at this very time.

I AM the one who guided your mother to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

My parents had Methodist backgrounds; however, when they made a move to a new city Mother felt drawn to the church across the street from the Methodist Church – the Christian Church.  She said it felt like ‘coming home’ and it was home to her for the rest of her long life. 

God has said he needed a disciple messenger who was ‘at home’’ in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  According to God, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) exemplifies what church is meant to be.  It is church where members call themselves disciples, that strives for unity, offers inclusion, where mission and serving is important, that has no creed but Christ who showed us the way we should live, has communion — where everyone is welcome to the table — as an important part of worship, has a special offering to help bring about reconciliation, and is a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. It courageously takes stands that help the least of these, the most vulnerable. It instills hope instead of fear. 

Declining membership has been evident within the denomination.  God gives hope for growth when people realize that it is among the examples in what church is meant to be.  He has also said that though the church is but a remnant of what it used to be, that remnant has all it needs to grow and prosper.  

I AM the one who told you that social media would play a part in the elections of 2016.

At the time I heard God tell me that social media would play a part in the elections of 2016, I did not know what social media was.  I knew about emails and that was it.  It did not take long to realize that Donald Trump had seized control of it and used it to his advantage.  I still do not know much about social media, but I know that a lot of people use it to spread false information and lies and that the false information and lies influence people in the wrong way.  Much harm has been caused by these influencers of falseness. 

I AM the one who told you in 2016 through to now in 2024 that my child Donald John Trump does not need votes, he needs help.

It was not surprising to me when I heard this declaration from God in 2016, not surprising that it has been declared over and over through the years since, and not surprising that it has been confirmed once again in 2024.  Through all these years, I have been observing his actions, hearing his words, reading reports about the way he mistreats people, takes advantage of others, brags about his wealth/his intelligence/his being above others in every way, spreads misinformation, seeks revenge, cares only for himself.   In 2016, I had already determined his were not words and actions that could be identified as normal. Now, in 2024, it is even more obvious.   I was not surprised at God’s declaration, but I was relieved that God confirmed to me that which I had observed.  The sad part is that people who are in a position to encourage him to get the help God says he needs are, instead, giving him support that will win him the votes God says he does not need.   I do not understand, and God does not understand.  I am weeping for him and for them, and God is weeping also.  

I AM the one who, with the help from my chosen Christian-hearted Disciple soldiers, will get my messages of truth out into the world to counter the loud messages of hate, wrath, bearing of false witness, conspiracy theories, and threats that are causing harm to the mental, physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual health of my children and my creation.  If hearts are changed, I will restore their health, thus, souls will be saved.  Saving souls is my goal.

God followed the above with the scripture 2 Peter 3: 9 that tells us that the Lord does not hurry in fulfilling his promises, rather, he is patient — not wishing any of his children to perish in the wait.  It is his hope that as many as possible will repent, thus be saved, before their last earthly breath has been drawn. 

The first time I heard this call-to-action part of God’s plan on how to get his messages spread to the world, I wondered if I would be the weak link in the chain to cause the plan to fail. I felt so inadequate for the job; however, not wanting to be that weak link, I determined then and there to do everything I could as best I could.  With God’s promise to be with me, giving help all along the way, I knew if I listened carefully, took careful notes, prayed for guidance, and did my best, God’s plan would work. He has kept his promise, and I have given of my best as I determined I would.  Leading me, teaching me, guiding me has been a slow process as man judges time, but it has been a flash in God’s time.  Patience is required.  It is God’s desire that few lives are lost during the process.  However, COVID, excess of guns resulting in many gun-related deaths have caused major life-taking hiccups to God’s soul saving mission.

I AM the one who is showing you the way to answer my call to go into all the world making disciples and ways to reach out to the least of these.

We have been called to go into all the world to make disciples:  Matthew 28: 18 – 20.  I struggled with this call for years.  I knew I was not equipped mentally or physically for going out into the world.  It took me a long time to realize that God did not mean for us all to physically go to all parts of the world making disciples, but we could all give support through prayer, by furnishing needed supplies, and by giving financial help.  It takes research to find the right organizations to support – ones that best fit our goals and beliefs. When we find what feels right and best channel for us, then we must follow through.  The same is true for helping others.  It is easy to find ones to help who are near, but not so easy to find ways to help those who are far from us.  It may not be easy, but finding those ways is imperative to fulfilling our calling. 

I AM the one who has the answer to solve the problems of the world.

When God told me in November 2014 that his miracle answer of reconciliation would help solve all the concerns I took to him, I did not understand how something as simple sounding as reconciliation could help.   It took some time – more time that it should have taken because God knows all and has all the right answers, so who am I to doubt — before concluding that God was right, and, after reaching the conclusion, I shamed myself for ever doubting.  The other part about which I was wrong was thinking reconciliation was simple.  We are so divided, and people are so determined not to work together to solve problems that reconciliation seems an impossibility.  God knows how it is going to work.  God’s intervention is our only hope.  God accomplishes what man believes is impossible.  Suggestion:  Re-read the post ‘God Accomplishes What Man Believes Is Impossible.  It will help relieve some of the doubts and fears.

I AM the one who has wept when my children weep.

God then said, “Jesus wept and weeps still – like Father, like Son.  I also laugh when my children laugh.  I find JOY when my children find JOY.  But it is the ever-increasing weeping that I am hearing to which I wish to respond.”

I did not have to ask God in what way he chose to respond.  I knew it was via a poem inspired by him several years ago — to which he has had me make corrections and additions along the way.  It is called Jesus Wept, but be reminded:  Like Son, like Father and like Father, like Son.

NOTE: My many tears –tears of empathy, sympathy, concern, and love for others– have resulted in the Scripture ‘Jesus wept’ (John 11: 35) becoming one of my favorite Bible verses. Jesus had concerns, sympathy, empathy, and love for others that caused him to weep.  My frequent tears of concern and love for all who are victims of evil at work against them and for those causing the evil works have led me to another favorite Scripture– Psalms 126: 5 ‘Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!”   It gives me hope that the struggles and sins, which are causing the heartache and tears with which we are dealing in our lives, if confronted and dealt with in the right ways – the Jesus’ ways– will result in outcomes that bring joy.  (1/28/22 and additions made in summer of 2024)

The Bible tells us Jesus wept.

And for what did He weep?

He wept for those who turned away

When they heard Jesus say,

“Take up your cross and follow me.”

“I will make you fishers of men, if you choose to be.”

He wept for ones who would not give up idolatrous ways,

Choosing instead to follow sin’s path all their days.

He wept for those who stayed true to all man’s laws–the Pharisees–

No matter what He said or did, them He could not please.

He wept for the ones who prayed in public to be seen

While private prayer from them he could not glean.

He wept for those who honored self, but no other—

Not Him, not God, not father, sister, neighbor, or brother.

He wept for the ones who from their riches would not turn

Even though this was how to obtain eternal life they did learn.

He wept for those who would His messages not heed

Because of minds and hearts too filled with love of power and greed.

He wept for the Pharisees who tried to trick him at every turn,

They had much from him to learn, instead, him they chose to spurn.

They baited and taunted in every way right up to the cross’s way.

Much the same can be said of the Pharisee-like people today.

Jesus wept not only in times of concern or sadness

He also wept tears of gladness.

When fruits of actions were pure and sweet.

His tears came from a joy that was complete.

The Bible tells us Jesus wept, And no doubt He is weeping still.

Over us today whose actions and words do others kill,

Over those who want the Commandments displayed all around,

Yet no love or compassion for neighbors in their hearts abound.

Jesus wept and no doubt He is weeping still

Over ones who with hate, envy, lust, pride their hearts fill,

Over ones whose adulterous, covetous, wrathful, revengeful ways

Take up hours and hours of their days.

Jesus wept and no doubt He is weeping still

Over ones whose lives have become like a bitter pill,

A pill they feel they can no longer take,

Yet from its bonds they seem unable to break.

Jesus wept and no doubt He is weeping still and is in pain

Over ones who take God’s name in vain,

Over ones who idolize sports, drugs, money, power, fame

And more,  yet never think to call out in prayer God’s name.

Jesus wept and no doubt He is weeping still and will never

Stop crying over ones absent when His disciples gather

Around the table of communion that He has prepared for us

And absent, too, in prayer with the only One we can always trust.

Jesus wept and no doubt is weeping still over ones who say, “I am

The only one who can make good happen again.” They are a fraud, a scam.

Jesus knows the true Great I AM and each of us should, too,

And never, ever about self, the fraudsters, or scammers make much ado.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over ones who bear false witness against others–

Neighbors, ones considered enemies, mere acquaintances, sisters, brothers.

Building up self by tearing others down,

Is something over which we should all weep and frown.

Jesus wept and is no doubt weeping still over injustices done

Yet injustices are carried out 24/7, sun to sun.

Jesus asks us to do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Who wants to be treated unjustly?  No one, that’s who!

Jesus wept and is no doubt weeping still over those taking on a ‘religious’ façade,

With no intentions of taking on the full armor of God,

Using instead weapons of mass destruction — guns, guns, guns,

To rid the earth of ‘those unlike me or us’ with fatal stuns. 

Jesus wept and is weeping still over ones who from others steal.

Taking what is not theirs to have, caring not how helpless the ‘others’ feel.

Stealing educational opportunities, health care, food, leaving minds and cupboards bare

Taking all for self without a care.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over neglecting care of the earth

Giving no thought to what God doth requireth,

Thinking instead God will provide and provide some more

And anyone saying we are to help is spouting ‘false lore’.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over those who are under the illusion

That it is okay to practice exclusion instead of inclusion.

Building walls instead of building bridges seems just fine to them

Pushing out ones ‘not like us’ is often done for no reason, just ‘a whim’.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over the bearers of false witness

Using words of hate and untruths in ways that are relentless.

No heed is paid, or apologies made, for failing to speak with a Christian heart,

Instead, hate, wrath, and harmful lies they continue to impart.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over breakers of the Golden Rule –

Ones who tolerate only others in their exclusive friendship pool.

There is no justice or honor code among these thieves

All for me and none for thee is what each in their pool believes.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over finger pointers against truth

Hunting in dark places for falsehoods.  Such evil-hearted sleuths!

Oh, won’t they ever realize when against another a finger is pointed 

Three fingers of judgment are pointing back at the holy self-anointed.

Jesus wept and is weeping still over damages causing despair —

To climate, public education, history, health, government, church – all hard to repair.

Damages that will take years for man to correct, at best —

Far too many continue to cause damage and despair, so fail life’s test. 

Jesus wept and is weeping still over ones refusing to reconcile

Causing problems and concerns to be added to the overflowing, unsolved pile.

How many tears must be shed, how much harm must be done

Before people begin following the ways of God and his SON?

Yes, Jesus wept and is weeping still and is in pain

For the ones causing his tears to rain.

If you are among the ones whose words and actions cause harm

You need to answer, and answer now, God’s ‘Wake up, America’ alarm!

I AM the one whose intervention is needed.  I AM the I AM that you and all my children have been praying to intervene.

I felt a tremendous sense of hope when I heard God say his intervention is needed and even more when he declared himself as I AM – the true upper case I AM who will show the lower case i ams and their faithful followers that reconciliation is needed to solve the problems among family members, in organizations, in government at all levels and in all countries, in churches and faith communities.  I AM will show that only through reconciliation will souls, individually and collectively, be saved.  A word to the wise:  God is the I AM who is on a soul saving mission.  He says, “Wake up, America!  Reconcile! ”

I AM the one who has given glimpses of heaven.

Scripture sources, a few among many, that show us glimpses of heaven:  Revelation 21: 1 – 27 which describes it as a place where there will be no mourning, crying, or pain. Revelation 22: 1 – 21 tells that the bright-as-crystal river of the water of life flows from God’s throne through the middle of the street of the city.  The fruit-yielding tree of life is visible on either side of the river.  There is no darkness because God is Light.  In John 14: 1 – 31 we are told about the many rooms that are prepared as a promised place of peace and rest.  In John 3: 16 eternal life is the place awaiting those who believe in God’s Son.  And who among us would like to hear the well done, good and faithful servant – enter into the joy of your master as told about in Matthew 25: 21?  Acts 1: 11 reminds us that Jesus was taken up into heaven.

As God’s messenger who has been taught by the Masters, I will add what I have been shown and now believe. 

Just after my calling to record God’s messages of truth and reconciliation, I was given my first assignment.  It was one I felt very uncomfortable, unqualified – totally not up to the task.  Because of my hesitation in completing the task at hand, I asked God to give me a sign to let me know whether I was on the right track or not.  It was because I asked that God told me, “I love to hear your mother sing.  In fact, I can hear her singing now.”  He then named the song which mentioned peace.  I knew God was telling me that Mother was in a safe, peaceful place where she could sing her songs of praise to the Heavenly Father.  I knew she was in a good place and knew it had to be Heaven or very near Heaven. God had given me a glimpse of Heaven.

It was a night when I was having difficulty finding something for my husband and me to watch on television.  I was scrolling through the menu offerings when suddenly Heaven is for Real popped up on the screen.  I had not punched the button that would have caused it.  I backed out of it and started scrolling through the offerings once more.  Heaven is for Real came up once again.  I backed out of it and started scrolling once more.  Immediately, without rhyme or reason, Heaven is for Real came up again.  I realized this could not be an accident and that there must be heavenly intervention.  I told my husband that I was giving in and watching the movie ‘Heaven is for Real’.  When it was over, I had no doubts in my mind that I had been given a glimpse of Heaven.   I purchased, read, and re-read the Heaven is for Real book.  To this day in 2024, I believe God wanted me to have that glimpse of heaven as experienced by then 3-year-old Colton Burpo. 

In the book, Colton had been asked to describe Jesus.  By chance one day, Colton saw a picture of Jesus and immediately said that Jesus looked like the picture.  The picture was painted by a child artist Akiane Kramarik who was 4 years of age when she had the vision of Jesus and painted the picture.  Both Colton and Akiane had no background that would have given them the experiences or information necessary to do what they did.  I believe for I, too, had neither the background or experience necessary for doing what God has asked of me.  God inspires, God provides.  He needs the unexpected to be the ones to do his work.  It should be apparent to ones paying attention, that the tasks could not have been accomplished without Heavenly help.

Sadly, both Colton and Akiane faced doubt and criticism just as Jesus faced criticism.  Some people just can’t allow themselves to believe  that God is alive and at work in the world, doing things in his time and in his way.  

The last glimpse into Heaven was given to me recently.  It was meant to be passed along as a blog entry.  Re-read  ‘Try it on for size’ to find how clothing needed for those who traveled the upward path is compared to clothing needed for those who followed the downward path.  It came to me in a dream and, I believe, is a glimpse of what Heaven is like.   

Tell them:  I AM the I AM who is going to be the guide to renewed health for America.  I AM the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I AM the saver of souls.

UPCOMING: God speaks: I AM the October Surprise