God’s Jesus-at-the-Temple-like messages

Jesus at the Temple…

Before we begin this blog entry, we need to know what happened when Jesus entered the temple where there were those who were buying and selling as described in Matthew 21: 12 – 28.  Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.  He called out the ones who were doing the buying and selling. 

Why did Jesus do this?  Tough love was needed, and he provided it as only he could.  The chief priests, the Pharisees, and those who should have known better needed to learn that the temple was not meant to be a den of robbers;  it was to be a house of prayer.

Who became concerned and confronted Jesus about the teaching and healing that he did in the temple and about the children praising him?  It was none other than the chief priests and the teachers of the law who questioned his authority.  When given a chance to redeem themselves, they did not take advantage of the offer.

Jesus further used tough love measures to teach the chief priests and the teachers of the law a lesson about authority through two parables:

The Parable of the Two Sons – (Matthew 21: 28 – 32 paraphrased)…

A man with two sons asked each of them to work in the vineyard.  The first son did not want to go, but eventually agreed to go work.  The second son told his father that he would go but failed to go. 

Jesus asked the chief priests and the teachers of the law which of the sons did what the father wanted.  They answered that it was the first son.

Then Jesus told them that because they had failed to believe John when he was showing them the way to righteousness, and because the tax collectors and prostitutes believed, the tax collectors and prostitutes would be entering the kingdom of God ahead of the those who had questioned and refused to believe.

Next, Jesus told the Parable of the Tenants (Matthew 21:  33 – 46) in which a landowner planted a vineyard and rented it to some farmers.  Each time, thereafter, when the landowner would send someone to collect his fruit, the one sent would be killed by the tenants.  Even when the landowner sent his son, who should have been respected, the son was killed. 

Jesus asked the chief priests and the teachers of the law what they thought would happen when the owner of the vineyard confronts the tenants.  They answered that the owner would bring those tenants to an unpleasant end and rent the vineyard to other tenants who would give him his share of the crop at harvest time.

Jesus then told them about the scripture (Psalm 118: 22 – 23) that told of the stone that the stone builders rejected which would become the cornerstone. 

They were then told that the Kingdom of God would be given to people who produce fruit.  Further, they were told that anyone who falls on the stone will be broken to pieces and anyone on whom the stone falls will be crushed. 

The chief priests and the teachers of the law (the Pharisees) knew Jesus was telling them what was going to happen to them if they continued to refuse to believe what had been told them and what they had seen with their own eyes.  They knew from their studies of the law about the rejected stone becoming the cornerstone.  Instead of believing and repenting, they continued to be enemies of Jesus and sought to find ways to arrest Jesus.  They would later become part of the crowd yelling, “Crucify him!  Crucify him!”

God asks his children:  “Do you think that the chief priests and Pharisees might have had and continue to have many ‘if only’ moments?”

He continues, “Oh, you are wondering what is meant by ‘if only’ moments.  I’m glad you asked.”

If Only

If onlys fill our lives and not in ways of good.

If onlys are reminders of things not said or done as should.

If only I had done THIS instead of doing THAT,

I’d be smiling instead of to my opponent tipping my hat.

If only I had said THIS instead of saying THAT,

Tears of joy would fill my eyes instead of tears that sting and mat.

If only I had noticed needs of strangers, family, and friends,

Instead of words of advice, real help to all I’d lend .

If only I’d walked the walk instead of just talking the talk,

My actions would’ve had meaning, instead my empty words meant naught.    

If only I had loved others more as Jesus did suggest,

So many, many others would know by God they were blessed.

If only I had asked God’s guidance more along life’s way,

I’d be a better person, a better child of His, than I am today.

For sins caused by the if-onlys, thankfully, there’s a cure.

If we sincerely ask God’s forgiveness, He’ll give it, that’s for sure!

It is never too late to go to Him in prayer.

He’s always waiting to meet us there.

Up to our last breath, He’ll accept our sincere requests,

And with His loving forgiveness, we’ll be blessed.

But since we do not know when our last breath will be,

We should this very second, make our earnest prayer plea.

After receiving His forgiveness, we should forever strive

To follow His command to, “Go and sin no more,” the rest of our lives.

Heavenly inspiration for this poem was received and recorded:  August 31, 2018

God asks:  “Do you want to be part of today’s crowd that is the enemy of Jesus?  Are you similar to the chief priests and Pharisees in the time of Jesus?  Are you unwilling to believe the truths you have been told?  Have you accepted so many untruths that your eyes, ears, and minds are closed to receiving truths?”   

The ‘What if’ poem is meant to serve as a tough love, self- evaluation tool.  Why?  God does not want souls lost; he wants souls saved. By facing and admitting to what is being done wrong — done in man’s ways and according to the many man-made, unfair laws upheld by politically-motivated judges at all levels – then repenting and forevermore following God’s guidance, souls can be saved and welcomed into the prepared Heavenly home. (NOTE:  You’re never homeless if you live the life God wants you to live, for you have a home prepared for you – a wonderful, beautiful, peaceful, forever, Heavenly home better than any earthly home ever built or imagined.)

God’s Jesus-in-the-Temple moment continued…

To help us in our evaluation of whether we are among those chief priest and Pharisee-like people who questioned the authority of Jesus, God is using a dream given to a faithful disciple messenger early morning 9/11/23 to serve as a guide. It is told in the messenger’s own inspired words.

                                     My Apple Dream

I had had a good, restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep.  It was early morning when I had a very vivid, colorful dream.

Written in bright yellow letters I saw in my mind’s eye the following:  An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

Even though I was asleep, I remember interacting through exchanged thoughts. In my mind, I said, “I know you want us to be healthy.  I believe that apples help us stay healthy.  However, there are a few doctors and scientists who have spread and continue spreading falsehoods about apples.  These spreaders- of-false-theories have said that apples are poisonous. The false rumors about apples have been spread through the internet, on certain extreme-leaning religious and political radio and television stations. Some religious leaders have been persuaded to believe and are saying from the pulpit that the Bible proves that apples are poisonous.  Some, calling themselves prophets, say that they have had messages from God saying apples are poisonous and all who touch, eat, or distribute apples will be destroyed by God. Further, they say not only should apples be avoided, but anyone who eats an apple should be shunned because apple eaters are sinners.  They have been instructed to keep their children safe by not feeding them apples.  Also, if they learn that schools are including apples, or anything made from apples, in school lunches or have teachers who teach the children how to make apple butter during harvest days, those schools and those teachers should be reported immediately for trying to cause harm to the minds and bodies of young people.  To be completely protected, they say to immediately withdraw children from public schools and enroll them in religious schools or homeschool them. 

In religious schools, the true Biblical history of apples will be taught to the children, thus, minds and health will be protected.  They say if enough people withdraw their children from public schools, then public schools will be destroyed.  They are also told not to believe doctors and health workers who say apples are healthy.  They have their own experts who debunk the idea of apples being healthy.  Many people are believing these falsehoods and reacting as told.  It makes me sad that I have neighbors, family, and friends among those who choose to believe falsehoods over truths. It also makes me sad that when I try to tell them truths, I am accused of listening to and repeating fake news. I’ve shed many tears over them as I am sure you have, also.  

The apple issue has become political.  Lawmakers in states where a majority believe that apples are poisonous are passing laws that make it a punishable crime to eat an apple and a punishable crime to help anyone get an apple.  No apples are allowed in those states. Products made from apples are forbidden to be sold or brought into the state. 

I am concerned about the health of people who will avoid apples and will suffer as a result.  I am concerned about the harm done to minds of innocents by false teachings.  I am also concerned about harm done to public schools by this withdrawal of masses of students.”          

Tell them that I AM says: “You are putting all your apples in one basket.  That basket contains rotten apples that you have placed there with the intention of spoiling all the apples for everyone.  Your false teachings will cause great damage to the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial health of the people of the nation.  You do not seem to care that you are hurting yourself by trying to hurt others.  You seem not to care that your children will suffer negative consequences.  You seem not to care that by spreading and believing in false teachings and conspiracy theories you are doing harm to the soul of the nation.

Then was added, “Tell them that I will help heal them from harm caused if they will open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to truths.  Tell them that I created apples and I want them to enjoy and appreciate my creation.  I want them to take care of the earth and all it offers.  I want them to take care of themselves and each other.  I will not force them to accept my help.  It is freely offered out of love and compassion.  I want them to accept and believe in my offered love.”

I responded, “I will deliver your message, but I know, as you know, also, that there will be many who will not believe that you would send messages through an old woman.  They believe that only men willing to fight for their values can carry your messages.  They direct wrathful revenge toward anyone who tries to tell the truth.”  

Tell them: “The message is mine.  If they choose not to believe this message, it is I they are choosing not to believe.   If they cause harm to any of my children, they are harming me. I know what is in their hearts.  I will pronounce their final judgment based on what is in the heart after their last earthly breath is drawn.”      

He added:  “Tell them it is wise to start making needed changes now.  Better safe than sorry.” 

I questioned, “Is the apple just a metaphorical substitute for all the items that are meant to keep us safe and healthy but have, instead, been criticized, lied about, and made into political hot points?”

My question was quickly answered, showing me, once again, that God has a sense of humor, “You got it!  You really got it!   Tell them to wake up and start accepting truths over untruths, accepting good advice over bad advice, building bridges instead of walls, building up instead of tearing down, helping instead of hurting, including instead of excluding.”  Then a repeat came, “I know what is in their hearts.  I will pronounce their final judgment based on what is in the heart after their last earthly breath is drawn.  It is wise to start making needed changes now.  Better safe than sorry.  Better late than never.

At the end of the dream, just as it started, in bright yellow letters, I saw in my mind’s eye:  An apple a day keeps the doctor away

The dream was repeated several times in those early morning hours.  This messenger realizes these repeats are done for a reason – to make sure I remember it in detail, so that it is written as intended.  Repetition helps in the memory process.  Something repeated enough times becomes embedded in one’s mind.  This is true for truths as well as untruths. 

To go a tough love/Jesus-in-the-temple step further, God gave some food for thought and self-evaluation through messages about being hypocritical.

UPCOMING:  A Tough Love Test on Hypocrisy