In the early morning hours of October 13, 2024, I heard, “I AM the October surprise.”
I was not surprised to hear this announcement by God. “October surprise,” had been ‘whispered’ to me several times during the past few weeks. Also, the I AM messages, in which God (I AM) announced that his intervention was needed, had been posted the previous day. He said, “I AM the I AM that you and all my children have been praying to intervene,” and “I AM the I AM who is going to be the guide to renewed health for America.”
It was a pleasant surprise that the announcement would be made on the 13th day of the month of October. My husband’s sister was born on Friday, the 13th, and from that day forward, 13 has been a red-letter number in the family. When God’s announcement came on October 13th, it seemed to me to be a divine signal that this was a red-letter day.
On television, radio, in conversations, common questions regarding the election were asked and discussed, “Will there be an October surprise? If so, what will it be and will it influence the election?”
I AM (God) had been hearing those questions and on Sunday, October 13, 2024, he was prepared – God is always prepared – to answer those questions. Of course, there would be an October surprise as announced by God to his disciple messenger. It would be delivery of God’s messages to the world. Whether it would influence the election depended on the number of hearts changed in a timely manner. God said, “Changing the results of the election is not my goal. My goal is to change hearts and save souls, so changing election results to the positive would be a by-product of my goal.
God’s plan is to save souls, but since politics and religion, church and state have become so intertwined, he has no choice but to address matters that may seem political to man that are religious to God.
A few, of many, examples of man’s mixing religion and politics, church and state where God says he must intervene in order to save souls – individually and the soul of the nation follow:
Immigration has become a hot topic issue. It is being used to try to sway voters – it is a fair topic to be discussed and one that needs to be discussed to solve the problems, but truth must be told. Conspiracy theories abound in rallies, debates, on X, on FOX and conservative news outlets: “Haitian immigrants are causing chaos in Springfield,” and “Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country,” and posts blaming “Haitian migration for affecting local healthcare provision, education and other issues.” (Reuters ‘Republicans pushing ‘dangerous’ Haitian conspiracy theory, White House says’ by Trevor Hunnicutt and Doina Chiacu). Similar comments have been made and supported by many Republicans while some GOP officials try to relay the truth: (PEOPLE: ‘Donald Trump Says He’ll Kick Out Legal Haitian Migrants if Elected, as GOP Ohio Officials Defend New Neighbors by Marina Watts), (Alternet: ‘Need a Haitian hunting license’ MAGA death threat to Springfield officials publicly released’ by Alex Henderson) Forbes, US News, Yahoo!, TIME, CNN, NBC, VOX, The Washington Post also carried stories about the harm being caused by the lies told and the threats made. They also name the ones – both Republicans and Democrats – who are trying to get the truths of the situations told.
Haitians aren’t the only immigrants being targeted. False claims of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado are being spread as an election strategy. (The Hill: ‘Vance, ABC host spar over claims of Venezuelan gang in Colorado by Lauren Irwin), (ABC News: ‘Vance stands by Trump’s false claims Venezuelan gangs have invaded Aurora, Colorado), (CNN: ‘Sounds like Nazi rhetoric’: Brian Stelter reacts to Trump’s comments about Aurora, Colorado), (CPR News: In speech, Trump paints violent picture of immigration in Colorado, says he’ll call his mass deportation efforts ‘Operation Aurora’ by Bente Birkeland and Kiara DeMare)
All non-European white immigrants have been under attack, especially now that racism and white supremacy have taken hold and are influencing votes. Ones with ears open to truths have heard many false claims, among them: I’m going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it. Mexico is sending their worst people – drug dealers, rapists, criminals – they are not our friends. Surveillance is needed on Muslims, Syrians.
Actions speak louder than words. The following political words and actions caused harm: Children were separated at the border, many never to see their parents again. Razor wire ordered in place at the Texas/Mexico border has resulted in deaths and injuries. Inhumane heat-related practices were used against asylum seekers, including pregnant women and children. Following the orders of their ‘leader’, Republicans killed bipartisan efforts to help with immigration problems. Know this: There has been much suffering and pain caused by words and actions that were brewed and poured upon the world in darkness. From the dark side came no help in trying to solve problems. This is an example of ‘pain with no gain’.
God’s views on immigration: To those who call themselves church – Read Ephesians 2: 12 – 20 to find that Jesus taught love and acceptance. Hebrews 13: 1 -2 and 1 Peter 4: 9 say to offer hospitality to strangers, to everyone. Leviticus 25: 35 – 38 says to help the strangers or sojourners who are poor or have fallen out of touch with you. And never forget the words of Matthew 25: 35 – words that everyone should want to hear at judgment time – ‘I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, thirsty and you gave me something to drink, a stranger and you took me in, in prison and you visited me. Contrast that to today’s rheteric: ‘I’m not going to feed children. Let their lazy parents get a job and take care of them.’ ‘So what if there are cities in my state that have lead-contaminated water in homes. My water is safe and that’s all I care about. None of my tax money should be spent to help those affected.’ ‘Don’t expect me to provide food for the hungry. I see those who say they need help driving vehicles nicer than mine.’ ‘Let those in prison rot in prison.’ ‘There are a lot of Democrats walking around free who should be in prison for stealing an election.’
God says, “Wake up, America. Reconcile. There is room for reconciliation on everything, including immigration. Act with a Christian heart. You have a choice at voting time. I suggest you vote with a Christian heart.” Know this: “If you are of color of any shade, you are a target. If you are of a religion other than Christian evangelical, you are a target. If you call yourself Christian, but you are not a Christian nationalist, you are a target. If you are a Democrat or a ‘RINO’, you are a target.” God adds, “No one is safe from being targeted — all you must do is step out of the line the tyrants have drawn, even if by less than the width of a thread, you will be targeted, labeled an enemy, and will receive wrath’s punishment. No matter your color, no matter your religion or lack of it, all should share in the truth that we are better off if we work together and are civil to one another – in other words, we should all work together and treat each other as we wish to be treated. Love one another as I love you is a goal to work toward in life. When I say vote with a Christian heart, I mean to vote for right over wrong, good over evil, for the good of all not the good of the few and lean a little to the left of center politically, as the heart is a little to the left of center, so that reconciliation may be accomplished.”
He adds, “It was the Pharisees — the ones who followed the law to the letter, the ones who thought themselves the most moral, the most religious, the far right — who were the enemies of the ways of Jesus. It is the Pharisee-likes of today — the ones who have a law for every action and harsh judgment for the ones they deem to be ‘law breakers’, the ones who think of themselves as the most religious, most moral, the ones who are far right — who are the followers of man’s ways and spurn my ways.” Then he asks two question which he answers, “Do I love these Pharisee-like followers of man’s ways and spurners of my ways? Of course, I do – they are my children. Do I want them to change their ways to my ways? Of course, I do. Just as Jesus was on a soul-saving mission, so I am on a soul-saving mission. Just as Jesus wanted the Pharisees to be among the ones who had a change of heart and wanted to be part of ‘church’ as it was meant to be, so I want today’s Pharisee-likes to be among the ones who make the necessary ‘heart’ changes required to save souls. I want them to be ‘church’ as it is meant to be.”
NOTE: If you have never heard about the enemies of Jesus, search for Scriptures about Pharisees questioning Jesus. Matthew, Mark, and Luke provide many examples.
Then search for scriptures that show Jesus warns against the teachings of the Pharisees.
For several years, God has been pointing out to me, a disciple messenger, that there are Pharisee-like people causing harm against his ways among us today. After his giving me the above, out of curiosity to see if anyone else recognized Pharisees today, I searched for ‘Are there Pharisees today?’ One offering that was a good fit and I would suggest you search for and read is from ‘What Does a Modern-Day Pharisee Look Like? By Greg Grandchamp, published July 13, 2021.
God suggests: After reading about modern-day Pharisees, ask yourself, “What does a modern-day disciple look like?” Then ask yourself, “Am I being the disciple God calls me to be?”
To help you answer the disciple question vs the Pharisee questions, search for and read: PREACH IT TEACH IT ‘The Top Ten Things Pharisees Say Now by Carey Nieuwhof. After reading these, compare them to some of the concerns God and I share – see the blog entry ‘Concerns of 2014 Compared to Concerns of 2024.
After reading these, you should see that it is the Pharisee-like people of today — the extreme conservatives, the legalists who make strict man-made laws that seem, in most cases, contrary to the teachings of Jesus, the religious leaders and their followers who have taken on the mantra of Christian nationalism, the far right leaning, the ones who make strict judgements that cause harm, the ones who call good evil and evil good, the same kind Jesus called ‘hypocrites’ — who are causing many of the concerns. They are all around, accentuating the negative while eliminating the positive which is the opposite of what God wants. Perhaps you have heard from them some of the following statements — “I don’t want to work with anyone outside my church because those people aren’t Christian, ‘ or ‘I’m not going to help the lazy parents with their children, they can get a job and work like I do,” or “I’m glad they quit our church – they are too liberal for us,” or “We can’t have an unwed mother or a gay person continue to be a part of us – they are sinners and if we accepted them, that would project the wrong image of church,” or “I don’t give money to the food pantries – people who go there have cell phones, some drive nice cars – they are freeloaders,” or “We have our own school and/or encourage homeschooling so we can teach what we want our kids to learn and protect them from having to deal with children who don’t look like them and have parents who don’t believe like we do,” or “We are ready to take up arms against anyone who doesn’t support our ways and our chosen leaders,” or “We have to elect good Christian men who share our values to serve in every level of government,” or “I only listen to Christian and conservative media outlets, they tell the truth and all others, especially the mainstream media, are liars putting out fake news,” or “Because of my religious beliefs, I won’t issue marriage licenses to gays or lesbians,” or “ I can’t bake a cake for gays and lesbians because that goes against my religious beliefs,“ or “We must have harsh punishment for those who don’t believe as we do and for those who don’t follow our laws,” or ‘God has given us a strong, white leader who will help America change into the Christian nation that God means it to be,“ or “We must put prayers and Bible reading back in the schools,” or “The 10 commandments must be put in classrooms, on walls in federal, state and county buildings,” and on and on these could go.
Now, put if off no longer, take time to evaluate your own words and actions – be honest with yourself for that’s the way God will judge you, with fairness and justice, If you find you aren’t proud of yourself, establish a true relationship with God. He’s the one who can wash you white as snow. He’s a saver of souls.
To learn more about Christian nationalism and how it has done harm to church as God means it to be, to we the people, to our nation, to the world and to all of God’s creation — search for and read: Christianity Today: ‘What is Christian Nationalism?’ by Paul D. Miller, February 3, 2021.
God speaks to Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk and others who have used media outlets for political purposes by intentionally using lies, promoting conspiracy theories, and the power of money to influence their followers and to influence elections. “You have worked for it, and you have gained influence not only in America but across the whole, wide world. . You might think congratulations are in order. But I ask you, ‘What good is the power you have gained, if you have lost your soul? And what good is your money if it causes you to lose your soul? Know this: A win on earth is not always considered a win by Heavenly standards, and, be forewarned, winning power to use it for self-gain or to cause harm is not a win by my standards. And know this also: You can’t take your money with you. After you take your last earthly breath, your power and money are no longer yours, no longer of any use to you. In your forever after life – no matter whether you go upward or downward, all are equal and treated as such.”
“I am choosing the two of you because you are well known and are representatives of many of the issues I wish to address. I am calling attention to you under the topic of immigration because it is the first one addressed under issues to which my children of America should pay close attention so you may learn of my ways. Make no mistake in thinking, Rupert and Elon, that immigration is the only issue about which you have chosen to promote your falsehoods through your mass media outlets. I AM in the soul-saving business and your souls are among those needing to be saved. Be foretold, someday you will thank me for calling you out on your harmful ways. Better to start making the needed changes of heart now, rather than waiting until you cause more harm.
“Taking over more and more outlets so that truths can never be heard again is man’s way on display for all who have their eyes open to truth to see and ears open to truth to hear. You may consider your successes as wins. Those you were promoting and continue to promote may consider themselves winners. You each have children who are trying to help you see that you are doing the work of evil. You are not paying attention to them; in fact, you have closed your eyes, ears, and hearts to them. Will you pay attention to me – your Father who art in Heaven — or will you close your eyes, ears, and hearts to ME also? Fathers should never forsake their children. As your Heavenly Father, I will never forsake you or any other of my dear children.“
Because it takes repetition to get the point across, once again I AM telling you the following because I love you as only a Heavenly Father can love: The earthly wins you are getting are not considered Heavenly wins. Because you are following evil, you will eventually fail – history has proven this over and over. Good always wins over evil; it may take a while but wait for it and it will happen. I AM on a mission to save souls. I know this will hurt to hear, but you have souls that are blackened by your words and actions. You are sinking further and further into evil’s darkness each minute of each day. And what evil offers you after your last earthly breath is taken is not even something I want to say. Just know, it is not what I want for you and something you should not want for yourselves. What I have to offer is a forever home of peace and love. It is not something your money and power can buy. I offer it free of charge to all my children as part of my Lifesaving, soul-saving plan. I am asking each of you to pull from your heart those strings of sin –greed, hate, fearmongering, wrath, pride, gluttony, lust, and adultery (choosing evil over me is an act of adultery) — and fill your heart with love for ME (GOD) above all and love of all others as you love yourself. LOVE is the key to the Pearly Gates. Your heart must be filled with love to gain that forever-after home in Heaven. I am not saying it will be easy to do what I ask of you, to say that would be deceiving you, and I am not in the business of being deceitful. I tell the truth. The truth is you are on a downward path, and you must find your way to the upward path before your last earthly breath is taken. I will not force you to love me and accept my invitation for that is not my way. I give free will. The decision is yours to make – accept or decline my invitation. Know this: It is a forever-after decision you will be making.”
God sends a message to his dear child, Pope Francis: “You are right in saying it is wrong to reject migrants. You are right in saying that fear and prejudices keep us from being the neighbors all are called to be – offering hospitality, justice, and mercy – and keep us from believing truths. You are right to encourage love and compassion for all creation, especially the most vulnerable. Know this: The migrants seeking refuge are among the most vulnerable. You are right in saying unity is my will and that unity in offering hospitality is a sign of the love of God.”
Note: When I heard from God the message to Pope Francis, I did not doubt that God knew what Pope Francis had said – God hears all, sees all, knows all–rather I knew it would need confirmation, because those reading this will have a hard time believing. This I found for verification: Snopes fact check by Nur Ibrahim ‘Pope Francis Said Rejecting Migrants Is a ‘Grave Sin’; America the Jesuit Review by Gerard O’Connell ‘Pope Francis calls on all Christians to show hospitality to each other – and to migrants.’; Catholic Philly by Justin McLellan, Catholic News Service 8/12/24, ‘Prejudices Obstruct True Faith, Pope Says’; Vatican News by Linda Bordoni ‘Pope at Angelus: ‘Overcome prejudice and get involved in the lives of others’
To learn more about what God means by unity, search for and read Thy Black Man: October 29, 2024, by Dr. E. Faye Williams ‘America on Trial: Your Vote Defines our Future – a Call for Unity and Truth on Election Day’ – and if it is past Election Day, November 2024, when you see this message, do not think it is too late to read. God is trying to save souls, no matter when you get on board to learn. He wants to save lives in order to save souls. Another post that tells about truth is Thy Black Man: October 21, 2024, by Dr. E. Faye Williams ‘Why Truth Matters: Exposing Lies Ahead of the 2024 Election’. When corrections were being made to this post on 12/13/2024, God led me to another post on Thy Black Man: November 11, 2024, — noting that the article was written on November 11 – Veterans Day – increased my interest because of the things Trump has said to cause harm to veterans. – ‘America’s Betrayal: How Voting for a Convicted Felon Reflects the Struggle for True Equality and Justice’ and noting that Dr. Williams wrote about a convicted felon brought to mind that in Missouri there is a proposal to allow convicted felons – convicted of severe, serious crimes — to hold office. It is labeled the ‘Donald J. Trump Election Qualification Act. I couldn’t help asking aloud, “What have we as a nation become? These are the same people who say they can’t associate with people from other churches because the others are not Christian. They will not accept a gay or a young woman who has a child out of wedlock in church, but they are all right having their government on all levels run by felons who have committed serious crimes.” There was no one else in the room, but I heard clearly from above, “I needed you to be from Missouri. You pay attention and recognize wrongs that need to be addressed. Your concerns are my concerns. Why are we concerned about these attitudes? They are examples of hypocrisy, of following man’s ways, man’s laws and casting aside my ways. Two wrongs, a hundred wrongs, thousands of wrongs never make a right.”
Care of the earth and all creation:
Care of the earth and its creatures is another topic that has become a political issue. It has been labeled Climate Change/Global Warming – God says it does not matter the label; it is Biblical. Those who say that man has no responsibility for harm done are disregarding the Biblical charge from God to take care of the earth and every living thing that moves on the earth (Genesis 1: 28) and do not pollute the land (Leviticus 25: 23 – 24) – blood pollutes. We are reminded over and over of the need for stewardship (1 Corinthians 4: 2, 2 Corinthians 9: 6) and are given reminders of what will happen if we fail in our responsibilities to care for all of creation (Isaiah 24: 4 – 6, Revelation 11: 18), and what will happen if we accept our responsibilities to care for all of creation (Isaiah 33: 15 – 16).
The deniers say that God controls the climate and man’s actions do not affect it. Psalm 24: 1 does assign ownership of the earth and everything in it to the Lord, but that does not negate our responsibility to care for the earth. To love the Lord is to love and care for his creation as we are charged to do. No excuses should be offered (Romans 1: 20), for God does not accept excuses.
God says: “ There is room for reconciliation on this topic. Wake up, America. Reconcile. Act with a Christian heart. You have a choice at voting time: You can vote for ones who want our earth saved and will do everything possible to save God’s creation or you can vote for the deniers, the ones who refuse to accept the responsibility for care of the earth. You can vote for ones seeking reconciliation or ones who see no need to reconcile. I will not force you to vote one way or the other, but I will ask that you vote with a Christian heart.”
God speaks to his child Pope Francis: “You are right to call out the failure of humanity to care for the earth and the inhabitants of the earth. You are right to challenge all my children to help care for my creation.”
Verification: America the Jesuit Review by Carol Glatz – Catholic News Service – April 22, 2020: ‘On 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Pope Francis calls for ‘ecological conversion’.
God speaks to his children Rupert and Elon, “Are you listening and understanding what my ways are?”
Another hot topic at this election time is abortion. Some are so against abortion – considered as murder, which it is if abortion is used to get rid of an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy — that it is drawing them to vote for ones who kill in many other ways – kill with guns, kill by refusal to follow life-saving health guidelines, kill souls with their lies and conspiracy theories, kill others by encouraging wrathful revenge, killing of mothers who are having life-threatening complications from pregnancy who could be saved by a procedure called abortion.
God says, “There is room for reconciliation about abortion. Wake up, America. Reconcile. Act with a Christian heart. Because of Supreme Court ruling regarding abortion, because of actions taken against abortion in Republican-run states, because of a no-compromise stance taken by many religious leaders and by faith communities, many may feel you have no choice. You have a choice at voting time: You can vote for ones who are willing to work for compromise on guns, health guidelines, abortion, and other life-or-death-causing matters or you can vote for ones who refuse to compromise, even to save lives. In their minds, to give in would mean to hurt their chances to continue their rule over others and would give power to the ones who would work for satisfactory reconciliations – the ones considered ‘evil’ by those who refuse to reconcile. Make the choice that is in line with Christian values as shown in the Bible – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Vote with a Christian heart.”
God sends a message to his dear child, Pope FrancIs: “You are right to encourage life-saving vaccinations and gun control measures and against sale and use of guns that take lives. You are Pro-Life and that is good. I am Pro-Life because death ends any chance for souls to be saved. However, I am also Pro-Choice. My children have a right to make a choice to accept or reject life-saving measures, whether it be vaccinations or abortion measures needed to save the mother’s life. Know this: sometimes a procedure which has a real chance of being labeled ‘abortion’ according to laws passed in many states is the procedure that has a real chance of saving the life of both mother and child. Strict adherence to such laws that give no chance for reconciliation causes deaths.”
Are you listening, Rupert and Elon? Are you beginning to realize that the issues as seen through your eyes are not seen the same through my eyes?
Public education, health care:
Even though public education and health care are not hot topic items in the election, they should be. They have been under attack for years.
School choice is being pushed, along with vouchers for those wishing to attend private and parochial schools – be aware that white supremacists have schools that are called ‘religious’ and are often called academies — and for those choosing homeschooling. Money from public school funds is being redistributed to cover all the aforenamed ways, thus public schools are not adequately funded. All this redistribution of funds is causing shortfalls. Know this: Limited funds can just be divided so many ways before the point is reached when all fail. Failure of education would mean the dumbing down of America.
Lack of funding is not the only problem facing public education. Not wanting to associate with those ‘not like us’ has played a key role in the division. Segregation according to religious beliefs, segregation according to skin color, segregation according to wealth, segregation according to status – these and more segregation tactics have been used and are still being used as means of segregating, separating us from them. Brown v. Board of Education was meant to end segregation; however, people bent on dividing ‘us’ from ‘them’ have found ways to segregate. Know this: segregation still exists and is still causing harm.
Segregation harms education.
God says, “To wish for self what you do not wish for others goes against what you are asked to do in Matthew 7: 12 – do to others as you would like them do to you. To make it even more personal, do to others as though you are the others.” He added, “There are two commandments that are asked of you —love me with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbors (others) as you love yourself — Matthew 22: 36 – 40. Segregation and lack of funding for public schools are tactics that go against the do to others as you want them do to you and love others as you love yourself. Breaking these commandments and showing love of self over others are not acceptable with me.”
To those with deep pockets who are using their money to do harm to education and to health care and to those lawmakers who are causing harm, God says, “I hear all, I see all. Your harmful ways have not escaped me. A change of heart is needed, sooner rather than later is best.”
“Those same ones with deep pockets and the same lawmakers have worked to do harm to health care. Seeking affordable health insurance for all, encouraging vaccinations, following health guidelines, supporting programs that provide food and health care for the most vulnerable have been harmed by your actions and inactions. You have been guilty of and are still guilty of criticizing and promoting lies and conspiracy theories about those who have worked for positives.”
Examples of targets: Attacks on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), falsely saying vaccines cause autism, sickness, and death while also promoting replacements that would actually cause sickness and/or death if followed, cutting Medicaid rolls, cutting funds for and raising qualification requirements for food assistance programs (Take time to search the following –TIME: The Republican War on Food Programs, Dec. 22, 2023; AP News 14 GOP-led states have turned down federal money to feed low-income families with school-age children, February 16, 2024; The Hill: “These 15 GOP-led states are rejecting summer food aid for children, January 10, 2024).
This disciple messenger has an example of ones who ‘cut off their noses to spite their faces’. My husband and I delivered meals on wheels many times through the years. It was rewarding to know that we were helping provide food for many who would have gone hungry if it had not been for that program. At the same time, I have shed tears of sadness for some of these. Example, we had ones who were pretty much homebound. They received extra meals for weekends when the food was not delivered. Their living conditions showed that they did not have much money. Many we knew to be on Medicaid and the meals furnished with no payment expected. They were often the ones who were the most demanding or the ones who ignored us delivery people completely. FOX news was on so loud that it could be heard at least half a block away. TRUMP and VOTE TRUMP stickers were stuck to the side of the houses or apartment doors, TRUMP flags were flying. At some places Confederate flags covered the windows. When we entered, they motioned where to place the food – they were too busy clinging to every word on the TV — always FOX or Christian radio. No conversation took place, no response to our greeting, no thank you. Our tears were because of their devotion to ones whose goal it was to take away the very things they needed and on which they depended – food and health care. They were bent on cutting off their noses to spite their faces and that was sad. They were not happy – how could they be filling their ears and minds with messages that stirred up hate and fear. They were cutting themselves off from learning the truths. Isolation plus the filling ears with untruths cause fear and sadness.
God says, “There is room for reconciliation on education and on health care. Improvement is needed to adequately meet needs in these areas. Finding ways to improve and ways to reconcile are must-do actions. You have a choice at voting time. Vote for the ones who have worked for affordable health care, for feeding the vulnerable, for vaccinations and other protections of health and vote against those – at all levels – who have caused harm. Vote for the ones who have worked to improve public education and have given support in every way. Vote against those – at all levels – who have used segregation tactics, have fought for their share of money meant for public education to boost themselves and provide for self what is not wished for others. Speak and act with a Christian heart. Vote with a Christian heart.”
God adds, “Are you listening, Rupert and Elon? Are you beginning to understand the harm you have heaped upon others with your spreading of conspiracy theories, untruths, wrathful words, and wrathful actions?”
Response to natural disasters
Lies, conspiracy theories, misinformation have made the response to the recent hurricanes an issue in the election. Just as lies, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about migrants have caused threats to be made, so threats have been made against those helping bring relief to the areas hit by hurricanes.
The same people who made and caused the spread of migrant misinformation are the same ones who made and caused the spread of hurricane relief misinformation.
God says: “Causing harm, causing division is not all right with me. I hear all, see all, know all. I am weeping over seeing my children repeat misinformation. When I saw FACEBOOK posts that said Harris and Biden were failing in the response to the disasters caused by the recent hurricanes, stole FEMA money to help illegal migrants, while former president Trump was giving millions of his own money to provide aid, I wept. I wept even more when I learned that this kind of misinformation was spreading like wildfire and among those spreading the misinformation were ones who call themselves ‘church’ and think of themselves among the only ones with morals. I wept for the ones willing to do harm to FEMA workers and I wept for the ones toward whom harm was directed. I am asking that each of you find the truths for yourselves. Use reputable sources for gathering the truths. May truths guide your words and actions. May truths release you from the ties that have you in bondage to sinful ways. May you wake up sooner rather than later.”
Search: CNN: by Daniel Dale, October 3, 2024, ‘Fact check: Amid bipartisan praise for Biden hurricane response, Trump falsely claims reviews are ‘universally’ negative, CNN: by Haley Talbot, October 9, 2024, ‘Republicans in Congress call out hurricane misinformation coming from within their own party’, Business Insider: by Katie Balevic,’ Both Democrats and Republicans in North Carling say misinformation is complicating Hurricane Helene relief efforts’, The Washington Post: by Glenn Kessler, ‘No, Biden didn’t take FEMA relief money to use on migrants – but Trump did’
God asks, “Are you listening, Rupert and Elon? When will you take responsibility for harm you have helped cause? When will you have a change of heart?”
The economy is important to consider when trying to decide for whom to vote.
Political signs that say, “Take America back” are displayed here, there, and everywhere, it seems. God says, “Never forget that it is forward, not backward, that you must look. Looking back shows how you got into darkness. Going back and staying there, will allow more darkness – a darkness from which you may never be able to escape. Look to the future, not the past.”
A suggestion: Ask, “Was I better off 4 years ago than I am now?’ HINT: You weren’t. (4 years ago — October, 2020 — there were no available Covid-19 vaccines and the death toll had surpassed 100,000 – with nearly everyone experiencing loss of family, friends, acquaintances – the Federal Government, following the lead of the president, had a slow response to Covid –the unemployment rate skyrocketed, when the vaccine became available those who should have been encouraging getting them instead spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about deaths and sickness caused by the vaccines, other, non-approved, suggestions were made – hydroxychloroquine, perhaps explore disinfectants and light internally –, blame for poor response transferred to Democrats resulting in death threats being made (this is a case among many of the innocent becoming the guilty and the guilty becoming the innocent), calls of ‘Lock them up’ were made with armed militia responding, necessities came to be in short supply, fewer people were insured, the economy was tanking, 2020 murder rate saw its largest single-year increase on record, people were filled with fear.)
Suggestion: Face the truths: Recovery has been slow and steady as should be expected because things were so bad 4 years ago it takes a long time and help from everyone to pull out of the deep hole of darkness and sadness that we were in 4 years ago. Positives of now: Unemployment rate low, stock market at record high, record GDP growth, prices are dropping, more people are insured, inflation is lower, the crime rate has fallen substantially. America’s positive changes are the envy of other countries. There should be hope for the future but lies, conspiracy theories, and misinformation continue to cause fears and harm.
SEARCH FOR AND READ – Reuters, by Howard Schneider, October 30, 2024: ‘Trump wants to compare now to four years ago. Here’s what it looks like. For crime rate check, search for and read Pew Research Center, April 24, 2024, by John Gramlich: ‘What the data says about crime in the U. S.
Ask: “Will I be better off under Trump’s economic policy or under a Harris economic policy?” You don’t have to wonder what the answer is, it is provided to us: npr: October 7, 2024, by Luke Garrett ‘Trump’s plan would add $4 trillion more to U. S. debt compared to Harris’, analysis says, AP by Josh Boak, October 7, 2024, ‘New analysis, national debt could increase under Harris, would surge under Trump, The Wall Street Journal by Paul Kiernan, Anthony DeBarros, 10/14/24, ‘Economists Say Inflation, Deficits Will Be Higher Under Trump Than Harris.
Search: How did Putin receive Covid test kits that were desperately needed by Americans? CNN, October 11, 2024, Forbes, October 9, 2024, Politico, October 9, 2024, are among the multitudes of news agencies that show ‘Kremlin confirms Trump sent Russia Covid -19 tests’ as reported by Bob Woodward in his new book.
God to Pope: “What I need you to reconsider is your statement to vote for the lesser of two evils. There is room for reconciliation on immigration and abortion. Reconciliation on immigration and abortion has been sought by one party and rejected by the other. Immigration and abortion are not the only issues to consider in voting.“
God adds, “I have made my stance clear – My child, Donald John Trump, does not need votes. He needs help. I have encouraged voters to vote with a Christian heart – one that is politically left leaning and more willing to reconcile differences for the good of all. I have named wrath, gluttony, sloth, greed, pride, lust, envy as sins to watch for when making the decision for whom to vote. I have named those who exclude, lie, cheat, steal, spread conspiracy theories, promote division, and encourage violence to gain power as those unfit for office. I have said that those who ignore truths, believe and help spread conspiracy theories and lies, and support the lower case i ams are guilty of the same sins committed by the ones they support. This is Biblical: James 4: 17 says knowing what is right but failing to do right, is a sin. Ephesians 5: 11 is a guide in what to do with deeds of darkness – ‘expose them’. After reading my truths, everyone with their eyes open should know what is right. I ask, “Wake up, America. Reconcile. Then vote with a Christian heart.”
God asks, “Are you listening and understanding, Rupert and Elon? I am seeking to save your soul by guiding you to an understanding and acceptance of MY ways. I am giving you free choice. You may accept my invitation of a forever-after place in Heaven, or you may accept evil’s invitation to his offered forever-after life. It is my hope that you accept my offer.
God adds, “KNOW THIS: My goal is not political. It is Biblical. It will only seem political to those who have made politics their religion. It is out of love for my children that I have chosen to intervene. My goal has two purposes and both need an October beginning. First, by starting my messages circulating in October, time is given for my children to celebrate with new meaning Thanksgiving, Advent, the Twelve days of Christmas and Holiday (Holy Day) celebrations of all religions that glorify me and follow my ways, Week of Compassion – which might be thought of as a Lifetime of Compassion — Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Reconciliation – it might also give new meaning to Independence Day/Dependence Day, Veterans Day, D-Day, and Valentine’s Day. The other purpose is to save souls of my children – that’s all of you – and to save the soul of church and the nation. My Lifesaving plan is to wake up America and promote reconciliation. If successful, salvation will be the result. The sooner started, the better.”
UPCOMING: Letter to my Children