God Accomplishes What Man Believes is Impossible

On June 29, 2024, I was led to read the online message ‘Faith in the Unfamiliar’ (C. E. Davis, July 10, 2023, Thy Black Man).  God suggests you search for it, read it, and take it to heart. (Search: thyblackman.com/2023/07/10/devout-christians-faith-in-the-unfamiliar)

Following God’s above-named suggestion will help you realize that God works in extraordinary ways, ways that seem impossible to man. It will help you understand how God’s plan to save souls will work because God is in charge.  God is working through ordinary people in extraordinary, seemingly impossible ways to accomplish his goal.   

Know this:  God’s ways aren’t like man’s ways. There are limits on what man can accomplish on his own.  There are no limits on what God can accomplish and no limit on what or who he uses to accomplish his goals.  God working through man can accomplish what man sees as impossible.

God’s choosing to work his soul-saving plan through a woman who, when called in November 2014, was in her mid-70s, and now, 2024, in her mid-80s — seems impossible to us on earth – just as God’s plan to save the Israelites from the Egyptians using Moses – around 80 when called – seemed impossible to the Israelites. 

NOTE:  In both instances, God said to tell the people that I AM is in charge and will be with them. Also in both cases, the people got restless with the wait and committed sins by placing their hopes and faith in idols instead of being patient and faithful to God and his time and ways.

NOTE:  This would be a good time to read Exodus 32 to find that the people got restless waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain and had Aaron make a golden idol in the shape of a calf.

An altar was built where burnt offerings and fellowship offerings were presented.  Compare this to today when people got restless while waiting and bowed down in worship before a golden image of the one they anointed savior.  This earthly savior demanded, and they presented offerings of huge amounts of money, time, and devotion to this earthly idol.

Know this:  God was displeased then, and he is displeased now.

In verse 33, KJV, the Lord said to Moses,  ‘Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.’ Then in verse 34, the Lord says that there will come a time for punishment of sins, and he leaves no doubt that when that time comes, he will punish.  Throughout the entire Bible, we find passages that it is God who will bring judgment upon sinners.  On a positive note, we are told that God will show mercy to the believers, the repenters, the trusters.   

When God is with us and we with God, anything is possible, regardless of age, gender, color of skin, political, ideological, or religious association, status in life, where you live, or any other consideration.   God’s grace and love are freely offered to all.  How we respond to his offer is key.

Your call to action:  Allow yourself to believe and respond in the ways God asks.  By doing so, our collective mental, physical, emotional, financial, and, most important of all, our spiritual health will be restored.  Suggestion:  Go to the Valentine from God entry and find, under the heading ‘Be not afraid, instead be joyful’, God’s promise to restore health if we choose to receive and heed his gift of love – the greatest love story ever retold.

How America responds will determine how the world responds.  God asks, “Whose team are you on — man’s or God’s?”  He then adds,  “Choose wisely.  Only one team has a leader with a winning plan. Wake up, America! Reconcile!”  

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