To the disciple messenger who had the calling in 2014 to help bring forth God’s messages of reconciliation came the following to be used as an epilogue — a wrap-up, a summarization, a conclusion. It will be told in the first person.
It was in the early morning hours of November 8, 2021, when I was awakened by visions of dark clouds in my mind’s eye. I was still sleepy and could not force myself to open my eyes; therefore, the frightening scene continued.
Clouds of extreme darkness kept forming. They were pushed away by even darker clouds. This kept up for several minutes and caused an unsettling feeling within me. Finally, a small spot of light started showing through, enough to drive away a bit of the darkness. As the light began to grow brighter more darkness disappeared until finally there was full bright light with no darkness. The light was a welcomed, sharp contrast to the darkness of the clouds. It was not an ordinary light but a light of brilliant brightness. The feeling it brought was so pleasant and comforting that I knew it to be The Light of goodness and hope – a Joyous, Spiritual Light. The Light became a moving, powerful Light that took shape and appeared to be a force at work covering the world with brightness and rightness.
I opened my eyes enough to see that it was 3:30. Sleep did not return, however, as thought after thought popped into my head. I recognized this kind of happening to be important, something that I was to remember and record later. As was usual with this kind of experience, the thoughts came as bits and pieces of this and that leaving me to fill in the blanks when I did the recording.
The first thought: There is one King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Messiah, Savior. No earthly person shall lay claim to kingship or to being the one who has powers to save the soul of others.
God’s people are meant to be people of Light. Heed: Matthew 5: 15 – 16 which tells you to not hide your light under a bushel, but instead let that light shine forth and thus glorify your Father in Heaven.
Give up your ‘sog’istic ways of putting self before all others – especially before God. God calls the people who put self first, others next, and either put God out of the picture or put him last – thus reducing the Capital letter God to a lower case god — sogs. These are people who build their plans of darkness on soggy ground that does not give support. Their messages of untruth – repeated over and over on FOX and other conservative outlets — are loud and filled with doom, gloom, wrath, and revenge. Their messages are a call to build walls, not the bridges God wants built.
Become people of Joy – Jesus/God first, others next and yourself last. God calls these people of Joy, Gos. These are people who build their plans of Light on solid ground – they sing, “On Christ the solid rock I stand.” They recognize, “All other ground is sinking sand.” (The Solid Rock by Edward Mote – public domain as shown on Timeless Truths site). Their messages of truth– delivered as God wishes – are quiet, full of hope, joy, and wrapped in God’s love.
Sit at the feet of Jesus to learn his ways. Write his ways on your heart. Make a place in your heart for God. Establish a relationship with God. He will walk by your side all the days of your life and guide you with his spirit. He will provide a Light so bright that your decisions will never again be made in darkness and thus will be good decisions. If you stay on the narrow, Lighted, solidly-supported, upward path, if you seek to let your actions, the words of your mouth, and the meditations of your heart be acceptable in God’s sight, you will dwell in the House of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and Amen
ADDITION: On the morning of November 28, 2024, God asked his disciple messenger to relay the following command: Rise up, o people of God (William P. Merrill, public domain, Rise Up, O Men of God!) – you who are the true disciples who have love for others as you have love for self and who love me with heart, soul, mind, and strength, RISE UP!. Great things have been done in my name through the ages. Now is the time for a Great Awakening – a wokeness like no other, have no fear in being called ‘woke’ for I mean it as a positive to overcome the negative. Rise up to the occasion, o people of God, you and others will think that your strength is not up to the task, but with my help you will have strength unequaled. It is time to let my Light shine through each of you as you right the wrongs that are causing the darkness. I have prepared a remnant of disciples to do the work. Your plans of action will be made on the Solid Rock of Christ so you will not fail.
This has always been about saving souls – of the church, of the nation, of all nations. This can only be done by saving souls of as many of my children as possible. Remember, all creation is mine and that includes everyone. You may have committed adultery toward me, abandoned me, failed to acknowledge me as your father, disowned your brothers and sisters in Christ, but know this: I have neither abandoned you, disowned you, nor failed to acknowledge you as my child. I will not give up on saving your soul until you have drawn your last earthly breath.
Know this: If you have not given me your heart, acknowledged that I am your Heavenly Father, and promised to follow my ways by the time your last earthly breath has been drawn, you will have no do overs no matter how much you plead for them, and make no mistake, you will plead for them. On the other hand, if you give me a dwelling place in your heart and show by words and deeds that you are following my ways before your last earthly breath has been drawn, you will have a forever-after Heavenly Home. I will weep for and with the ones who make the wrong choice and stay on the unlighted, downward path. I will rejoice for and with the ones who choose the Lighted, upward path. And now, a reminder: You never know when that last earthly breath will be, so begin preparing yourself right this minute – the sooner, the better to Wake up, America! Reconcile!
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