NOTE: God gave this letter in late 2020. Limbaugh passed away in February of 2021; thus, he did not have a chance of reading the letter meant for him so he might not have made the changes God wanted him to make — only God knows. God has requested that the letter is still to be included with the intent being that others who have done what Rush Limbaugh did, whose legacy will be similar unless changes are made – those who promote extreme views, pass along conspiracy theories, lie, show malice and dislike toward others for any reason, including but not limited to, race—color of skin, gender, social status, to whom one is married, age, political affiliation, education, religion – should read this letter and take it to heart.
My dear child Rush Limbaugh:
Noone knows the time, the place, or the cause that will bring the last earthly breath, but it is known that from the minute that first breath is taken, each one is moving toward that last breath. Never forget: I offer eternal life in heaven.
There are certain ways a person who wants that place prepared in heaven should live – put God first, others next and self last; do unto others as you would have them do unto you; let His light shine through you; love your neighbor as you love yourself; show respect to all no matter their skin color, gender, whom they love, social status; do not think of self more highly than you ought to think; develop a relationship with God through prayer; serve others; use your treasures of time, talents, and money wisely; let the “SON” shine through in all you say and all you do are a few of these things.
The Bible says to honor your father and mother. Do this: Think of ways you have honored your father and mother and continue to honor them and think of ways you have failed in honoring them and continue to fail to honor them. What are you going to do about the failings? (Don’t make the mistake of thinking because your parents no longer live on earth that you can cease honoring them.)
Evaluate the legacy you are on the path to leaving behind for the younger generation. Are you proud of it?
Will you be remembered as a kind, compassionate person as shown by your words and deeds? Or, will you be remembered as one who bears false witness against others, shares falsehoods as truths, with your words declare ones in the right as being wrong so that ones in the wrong appear right, shows a racist attitude, uses derogatory, unacceptable terms when speaking of women, shows intolerance for ones not thinking as you do, or accepts honors that are not deserved? Will your legacy be one that would honor your father and mother? How about it – would it honor your Heavenly Father?
I love you, baggage, and all. You are my child. I desire a relationship with you in which you walk and talk with me often. I want you to get on the right path – the one that leads to an eternal life in heaven – and get on it as soon as possible, for you know not when your last earthly breath will be. It won’t be easy, for remember, I know what is in your heart. I am not among those who can be fooled all the time, or even among those who can be fooled part of the time. I can never be fooled. Don’t even try to fool me. Either get on the right path and mean to do all in your power to stay on it or continue down the path you are on, no changes needed. The choice is yours to make.
I offer an eternal life plan. Take it and allow me to help you make the life changes needed. Turn it down and no changes are necessary.
Jesus is tenderly calling today. Will you answer His call?
Extending a hand of hope and a heart of love,
Your Heavenly Father
UPCOMING: My October Surprise: A Letter to me from God