God’s Authentication

In the post at the beginning of this blog titled Messages from God, God took credit for this blog.  Go back to read the last paragraph of  ‘This site’s for you!’ that tells what God will do to change hearts and ease fears, to find how he will give guidance and strength, has miracle solutions, and wants relationships built through reconciliation.  You will be reminded of how he has provided each of us with our own life’s puzzle and is ready to help us repair the pieces so that it can be put together in the right way to fit into the Heavenly Puzzle he has prepared for it. 

While reading this, you should be reminded of blog entries that correspond to things mentioned above, for example, Win a chance to talk with Jesus tells how to build relationships, Puzzles Put Together on Soggy Ground tells how God helps save our puzzles from being destroyed, and God’s Lifesaving Plan spells out how he wants to save souls and how he can accomplish that.  The entry God Accomplishes What Man Believes is Impossible should serve as a reminder of God’s miracle solutions.

Read once again About the Team Leader to remind you that God is in charge and is the one who delivers on his promises.  He tells what will eventually happen to the lower case i ams – the ones willing to do anything – lie, cheat, steal, betray, threaten, blame, even kill – to gain and retain power.  Know this:  They will eventually fail.  Wait patiently and it will happen!

He gives authentication to the disciple messenger called to do the work of receiving God’s messages and putting them in written form to be ready to share with the world – all done in God’s way and God’s time.  He says she has been prepared for the job by a Heavenly Team – God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  It is through her close relationship with God that he has relayed and will continue to relay messages through prayer, songs, dreams, scripture — nothing is impossible with God as leader.

God makes no mistake about ownership of the messages – he is the master messenger.  He also states that there should be no additions, deletions, or changes from his intended messages.  Also, no human interpretation to the messages should be assigned.  These are God’s messages, and he will receive all honor, glory, awards, and never believe otherwise, he is also the one who will accept any criticism or wrath.

God also wants to authenticate the fact that the messenger’s concerns are his concernsIt was her concerns that she took to God in November of 2014 that led to God calling her to write about reconciliation – his miracle solution to solving all the problems.  Just as her concerns of 2014 were his concerns, he says that her concerns of 2024 are his concerns.  Suggestion:  Re-read the blog entry ‘Concerns of 2014 Compared to Concerns of 2024’.  May these concerns of God become your concerns and determine to act in ways possible to you to help, not harm.

Saving souls is his mission.  He has a lifesaving, soul saving plan.  He is a master planner, a master at executing his plans, a master at building relationships and guiding his children to the right path and has prepared a special place for those who complete their life’s puzzle in acceptable ways. 

Acceptable ways are God’s ways as taught to us by Jesus in the New Testament and God’s ways as taught in the Bible.  This blog,  Messages from God, is a way that God has chosen to deliver again ‘the greatest love story ever retold’ which also delivers the ways of God and Jesus – never forget, like Father, like Son.