Concerns of 2014 Compared to Concerns of 2024

NOTE of explanation:  This assignment was given to me in early August — 8/14/2024 is the date I started writing.  As is usual with my assignments, I am given information in bits and pieces, and I write in bits and pieces over periods of weeks and sometimes months. Much writing, rewriting, inserting, and removing occurs.   As I write this explanation, we are already into September 2024, and I am still receiving and writing.   Before this blog entry is ready for publishing,  it may be that there will be October references made.  Only God knows.  He is in control.

During a morning prayer session early August, God asked me to compare my concerns in 2014 to my concerns in 2024.  This I knew about my concerns:  My concerns were the concerns of thousands upon thousands of others, and, more importantly, I knew my concerns were God’s concerns,   I could understand why God gave me this assignment.  I knew that God would answer the concerns in ways that would provide much-needed help and healing.  How did I know?  First, I know because God has used assignments all along as teaching/learning/help tools.  Also, God is on a soul-saving mission, a mission to heal and change hearts, a mission of reconciliation,  so souls can be saved.

The first concern that came to mind was the hate I evidenced – in the early 2000s — in the hearts of many –most coming from those who called themselves conservatives with values — and how that hate has multiplied as it traveled from mind to mind until it had deeply embedded itself in hearts.   

I told God that I felt the first effects of that hate through the Tea Party Movement when my husband and I visited Texas in summer of 2009. We visited the hill country and the Johnson ranch.  While there, we were bombarded with urgings to add our names to the lists to show that we believed in and would support Tea Party efforts.  Then we visited the Johnson Presidential library where our concerns compounded by what we witnessed there.  The guides, the people present in each room to help answer questions about Lyndon Baines Johnson and his presidency, seemed uninterested in doing their job;  instead, they were spewing Tea Party propaganda.  Small groups of them were standing on the stairs, in corners of the rooms, everywhere, it seemed to us, discussing the talking points of the movement.  When we did not sign the lists of Tea Party support and when we did not join in the discussions, backs, figuratively and literally, were turned to us.  It was as if we didn’t exist.  We faced glares and a few ugly responses when we did not sign the lists, and it was as though we became invisible and voiceless in the Johnson Presidential Library.  We felt cheated out of a learning opportunity.  Never had we experienced anything like that in any of our other visits to presidential libraries and have not experienced anything similar as we continued our goal to visit as many of these libraries as possible.  (NOTE:  We would have been just as disappointed and distraught had we been in a presidential library of a Republican and had something comparable to this happen.)

We came home from that trip even more concerned than we had been since Sarah Palin became the pick for vice president candidate. Our Republican friends called her a ‘breath of fresh air’ even though her obvious lack of experience necessary to handle the job and her failure to show that she knew, or cared to know, about government, about American history, about geography, about you-name-it showed that she was certainly not deserving of the praise and support she was receiving. 

Though McCain and Palin were defeated in the election of 2008 – a defeat that I always felt was caused, as much if not more, by a vote against Palin than against McCain – the rhetoric we heard in Texas was in line to what we had heard from Palin. It was a rhetoric that was not repeated by McCain.  In fact, John McCain, on the campaign trail, defended his opponent -Barack Obama – against racist remarks from a woman.  He called Obama a decent man showing that John McCain was a decent man himself.   (Read and pay attention to McCain’s respect for Obama and Obama’s respect for McCain and find how they rose above politics to display their respect one for the other:  Politics ‘Watch John McCain defend Barack Obama against a racist voter in 2008’ by Emily Stewart.  Updated Sept. 1, 2018.) 

The extreme ball of division was rolling, it kept rolling and rolled faster and faster through the years.  It became intermingled with the evangelical conservative push.  The name calling, lies, conspiracy theories, and labeling anyone who tried to speak against the tactics of division and hate ‘evil’ was heard everywhere, it seemed;  for example, labeling Obama as the Antichrist was a cruel effort used to discredit him morally while other conspiracy theories were repeated hoping to declare him unfit in every way.   Attacks on Michelle Obama were made also.  And how can I ever forget the sadness I felt when I encountered signs posted that showed the desire for the Obama girls to become orphans?  Also, how can I ever forget the sadness I felt when those who thought of themselves as Christian would say that they would prefer not to have Democrats in their church because ‘they are too liberal for us’ or say they would not participate in mission work with others because they would be working with non-Christians?  

By November 2014, when I received the call to be God’s messenger, I was hearing words of division within the walls of churches, in government, families, friends and on and on and on. 

As of this date in 2024, I am concerned still at the extremism that is now evidenced in the right wing of the Republican Party and within many churches – especially the churches that show they have accepted white Christian nationalism.  The table was beginning to be set for an extreme leader in the early 2000 years.  After 2016 that seat was occupied with no plans to ever vacate it.  It has grown worse and now in 2024, it is causing more division, more hate spewed, more threats cast which are resulting in historians declaring these times to be unprecedented, unsettled.  Fear – stoked and kept well supplied by the far right’s conspiracy theories and untruths — dwells in the hearts of many. 

Next, I voiced my growing concerns about white supremacists and how no one seems immune to their attacks.  I recalled to God my experiences of being raised in the south where the exclusion of ‘people not like us’ was evidenced in all areas of life – including the church.  I recounted that history was taught in such a misleading way, that I felt, far longer than I should have, that we would be much better off as a nation if the South had won.  Yet, I remembered and recounted the episode in the drug store when my mother taught an important lesson about being kind and helpful to everyone, regardless of color, age, gender, or anything else one might use to divide.  I call this my mother’s lesson of ‘pretty is as pretty does’ and ‘ugly is as ugly does’.

My concerns since those earlier days have only multiplied by leaps and bounds.  I understand why God did not intervene in 2014 as I thought, and hoped, he would.  He knew things were going to get so bad that man’s way of corrections would not be sufficient to solve all the problems.  In fact, I can see that man’s ways only led to more problems, more concerns.  By 2024, man’s ways seemed to be preferred over God’s ways by far too many people. 

While thinking about those concerns and reading the latest updates via the internet, I felt led to the following: 

The Independent:  JD Vance forced to defend wife Usha against white supremacists:  ‘She’s out of your league’ by Katie Hawkinson is an article given and suggested for reading.  It tells of Vance’s wife – who is of Indian heritage and their children who are biracial — being targeted by white supremacists.

JD Vance is Trump’s choice as running mate.

I read the article.  My reaction:  No one is immune.  I felt sad that there are people who have such hate for ones not of the same color as they are.  I wondered how Vance would react to such venom when he realized that Fuentes and Trump appear to be on the same page.  I searched the internet for articles that proved what I already knew.  I found them in abundance.

Nick Fuentes, white supremacists, Holocaust denier, and a popular media personality was named as one who made some of these attacks against Vance’s wife.  Nick Fuentes was also one Trump entertained at Mar-a-Lago (Politico 11/25/2022, NBC News 11/30/2022, Business Insider 11/25/2022, New York Magazine 11/26/2022 all reported on this Trump-Fuentes dinner as did VOX, TIME, New York Times, Yahoo, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, Newsweek, Axios, Financial Times and a slew of other media outlets.

To get Vance’s reaction to Fuentes and the Trump-Fuentes dinner, read MSNBC’s story by Ja’han Jones:  ‘JD Vance uses his wife Usha to whitewash Trump’s white supremacist problem.  For one who seemed to stand up for his wife and their children at the beginning, Vance appeared to lack the courage, or perhaps the desire, to stand up for her later.  He accepted and by doing so, he showed his hypocrisy.

Another story that came to my attention shows to whom and to what J. D. Vance is willing to condone to cause harm to rivals is found in Raw Story  by David McAfee, 9/27/2024:  Expert has ‘ominous’ warning about J. D. Vance endorsing ‘spiritual propagandist’ of January 6.  Reporting on this same event which is hosted by a right-wing evangelist named Lance Wallhau who has said Kamala Harris uses witchcraft (I heard this with my own ears in a panel discussion the night of 9/27/28 on CNN’.s STATE OF THE RACE.)

NOTE:  Vance joined the hypocritical others who lack courage – all those who are still supporting the racists, the misogynists, the conspiracy theorists, the untruthful, the wrath filled, the hate filled, etc. even though they know that help, not support, is needed, and even though they claim they are the only ones with values. 

I am concerned about the souls of these many.  I care for them and for the ones to whom they were and are causing harm. 

Also suggested reading:  MEDIAMATTERS For America ‘The Complete History Of Donald Trump’s Relationship With the White Nationalist Movement’ by Eric Hananoki 8/18/16 (Note date – yes, as early as 2016, perhaps even before that, Trump’s relationship with white national supremacists was evident and should have served as a red flag.

Noone, even God,  is safe from racial, gender-related, political attacks by the extremists.  KNOW THIS:  If you attack the least of these, God takes it as an attack on him and his ways.  Unlike others, God will not give up on anyone, not even ones who attack him.  Why?  Because he wants to save souls.

Be careful to whom you give support.  They will eventually come after you; all you must do to be on the receiving end of their wrath is do what is right instead of bowing down to doing the wrongs they demand from you.  A few of many examples of ones who did what was the right thing to do and received wrath:  John McCain (gave a thumbs down for GOP’s healthcare reform bid and received Trump’s wrath forever after), Mike Pence (did his job as Vice President and certified the presidential election results of 2020 and received not only Trump’s wrath but at the 2021 insurrection gallows were built and calls were made to ‘hang Mike Pence!’), Liz Chaney (criticized Trump for his false claims about a stolen election, and she served as vice chair of the House January 6select committee, more recently, she has given her support to Vice President Harris), Dr. Fauci (spoke truth about Covid and corrected Trump’s false claims about ‘cures’ for Covid), Mitt Romney (cast the only GOP vote to convict President Trump and marched in a Black Lives Matter demonstration),  Michael Cohen (quit obeying Trump’s demands, took punishment for what he did when working for Trump, then warned others about the consequences of blindly following Trump).  When you cross a tyrant bully, the result is unpleasant.  Failing to do the right thing brings a result that is unpleasant.    

NOTE:  A very stark reminder of what Trump would do if elected president again was given through a story that appeared in Raw Story by Sarah K. Burris ‘Every voter should be made aware’:  Governor sounds alarm on new Trump threat:  9/13/2024.  In this day of unprecedented tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, floods, landslides, earthquakes, etc. in which help from others, including the government, is needed,  if this isn’t an eye and ear opener for you,  reread and, figuratively,  put yourself in place of one who has lost everything and is being refused help from the national government because the one in charge of aid is revengeful and cares for only himself.  You do not have to wonder if such a thing could happen, it is told in the person’s own words.  This messenger cried just thinking about such hate, revenge.  God is crying, too.

Differing political views causing division in families, in friendships, in government and in church was a concern in 2014 and remains a concern in 2024.

Attacks on Democrats – often called liberals and labeled Communists, (not a new tactic, search for McCarthyism) — health care, care of the earth, and public education were among my concerns then and now.

Because of my maternal grandmother’s death during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 – referred to by my family as the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918 – and witnessing the sadness and great loss to my mother, her 5 siblings, and to my grandfather and witnessing the harm caused by polio, I became interested in health issues.  I saw the fear in the eyes of my mother and father when my sister, brother, or I became sick or when there was a chance we would be exposed to a potential deadly disease.  I knew my parents would do anything within their power to keep themselves and us safe. 

I could not understand through the years why some parents would not do everything possible to take care of their children and of themselves as my parents and the parents of my friends had done.  The false information spread about vaccines, about personal hygiene – including washing of hands and disinfecting surfaces —

being accepted as truths and truths being labeled false was beyond my understanding.  When parents would not get their children vaccinated because they falsely believed that the vaccines caused autism, I was sad.  Sad, too, was I when those children would have a transmittable infections/diseases and parents continued to send their children to school or other places where other children would be exposed.  I cried inwardly and outwardly when COVID hit and parents died leaving young children.

It was especially sad when the vaccine became available and parents who had refused to take the vaccine passed away.  I knew some of these, one I had pleaded to have the vaccine, but she believed the false information others peddled instead of facts I presented and stood her ground of refusal.  I cried because I knew what was ahead for the children and the lone parent left to raise the children.

COVID 2019 pandemic was eerily like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 during which my grandmother died. Over 1,000,000 people have died of COVID 19.  Many of those were front-line workers, like my grandmother who was on the front line and nursed a family back to health before getting the flu herself and dying in December 2018.  NOTE:  Even after the vaccines came out, not all front-line workers got them.  Friends who worked in healthcare reported of deaths among their own of ones who had believed the misinformation about the vaccines and refused to get vaccinated.  One, that I heard about, had been told by fellow doctors, nurses, and others the advantages of getting the vaccine, but her minister was advising from the pulpit not to get it saying that God would take care of those who had faith. She did not get vaccinated, got COVID, died, leaving small children in the care of her husband.  She was not the only one of that church and other churches where the same or similar message was spread to get COVID and die.  It would seem logical to conclude that these people would have at some point, seen the error of their thinking, however, to this day they are still showing disdain for those who do not think as they think and are still praising the church and government leaders who by their actions and inactions caused deaths.  They remain determined to follow my way or no way  – man’s ways instead of God’s ways.

Sometimes what is meant as negatives turn out to be positives in God’s eyes.  He led me to the following information about ‘liberal’ and ‘Obamacare’ – both used to degrade Democrats.  What I found and what I heard from God, were examples of negatives turned into positives.

I found liberal – as given in an online Dictionary – to be an adjective meaning l. ‘willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas’ and 2.  ‘relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.’ 

God says, “It is a positive that liberals are willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from their own because that leads to reconciliation.  Reconciliation is desperately needed to replace the my-way- or-no-way attitudes that create division and hamper progress.”

He adds, “Have I not asked you to love one another as you love self?  Political views and philosophies that promote individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise show love for others.  That describes a liberal , so, using those standards, liberal is a positive.”

Obamacare, a name used to attack President Obama and the Affordable Care Act – signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 — has been under attack with calls for ‘repeal and replace’ since its inception with no viable plan to replace it. 

God says, “To be against something good with nothing better to offer is not acceptable in my sight.  Also, being against something because you want others to fail is not acceptable in my sight.  Reconciliation to make something good even better is the right thing to do.”

Calling it ‘Obamacare’ came to be accepted by Obama who has shown by word and actions that he does care.  God said in the blog entry ‘Recognizing Disciples at work in today’s world’ that Barack Obama and Joe Biden sympathize and empathize with the underdog, that they feel the pain of others and seek to lighten burdens.  God says that the term Obamacare instead of being a negative, as it was intended, shows instead that Barack Obama cares and that is a positive.

Long before 2014, public schools were under attack.  Underfunding was one tactic used to undercut them.  Republicans took the lead of the bandwagon to get rid of public schools.  They suggested education should be privatized.  When that did not seem to work, they started promoting the idea of giving money meant for public schools to religious schools.  This evolved into vouchers and school choice, with the push for homeschooling to follow.   Keeping teacher salaries low and demands on teachers high came next.  Book Bans, parental rights, stacking school boards with ‘good Republicans’ who will keep things moving in the right direction were implemented.  The COVID pandemic had a devastating impact on learning.  Instead of working together to help students catch up, religious conservatives have implemented divisive measures to cause more disruption and division.  They saw this as an opportunity to point fingers that falsely laid blame upon teachers and administrators of public schools.  They also saw this as the time to put religion back in schools – a long- time goal of the religious right.  Paving the way for the posting of the 10 commandments, prayer, and Bible classes became a priority in many red states. With the majority of the justices on the Supreme Court learning right, some far right, it seemed that a change positive to their thinking might be possible.

Diligent work has been done, with the support of the far-right in government, churches, and many with great amounts of money, to destroy public education.  In the process, they have destroyed education period.  If the kill public education trend continues, the dumbing down of America will be accomplished.   One of the leaders even proclaimed, “I love the poorly educated!” after he found that the voters with a high school education or less were supporting him in large numbers. (Snopes Fact Check:  Did Trump Say, ‘I Love the Poorly Educated’? by David Mikkelson, 6/10/2020)

I have always thought that it was a right to have free, quality public education for all and all should work together to make it the best it could possibly be.  It is a concern that has grown through the years that damage was being done by those seeking to have something for themselves and ones like them that they did not wish others to have.  At this point in 2024, on behalf of the children, the teachers, and all interested in educating for the future, I appealed to God for help, making pleas that were filled with alarms.      

God answered, “To tear down instead of building up, to destroy with no better replacement, to take from others what you want for yourself, is not acceptable in my sight.”

He then added, “Reconcile differences and work for positives.”

My concerns then turned to elections.

I told God about a voting issue in the county where I vote.  People were waiting in a long line to vote.  One young man standing in that line had a skin color that contrasted with the white skin of the ones in front of and behind him.  A few of those nearest him started harassing the young man.  They were throwing out insults and telling him he should ‘go back where you belong – you aren’t wanted here – you have no right to vote’. To the credit of others in line, they did not join in the harassing, but to their discredit, they did not step in to help him either.  (In this day and age with concealed carry, it can be intimidating to stand up for right.)  When the young man finally made it to the voting tables, he received more scrutiny than the others, but he did qualify to vote and vote he did.  The friends who reported this incident were not privy on what might have gone on after he exited the building.  They wondered if the insults and harassing continued in the parking lot.  God does not have to wonder, he sees all, he knows all – and that includes knowing what was in the hearts of the others waiting in line who witnessed this event as well as knowing what was in the hearts of the ones doing the harassing.

There was another voting incident that I never forgot.  A woman acquaintance– a strong Republican, conservative in politics and religion — who was very active in voter registration work told me this story.  I know she thought my political thinking paralleled hers or, otherwise, I would not have been told this.  She thought it was funny that she had gained many votes – even from Democrats – for the Republican candidates.  This is how it worked as related by her to me:  She took ballots to the care facilities and asked the people to sign the required form to vote which she had already filled out so it only needed a signature (or an X validated by her).  Then she told each person that they could tell her how they wanted to vote, and she would fill in the circles noting that the circles were small and if there were any errors in filling ballots out correctly, they would be discarded.  She then sat where they could not see what she was doing.  She would read the options, ask them for whom they wanted to vote, then fill it out the way she wanted, no matter what they said.  If they chose the option to vote a straight Democratic ticket, she voted a straight Republican ticket.  NOTE:

I wondered if she noticed that I did not smile, laugh, or comment to her story.  I think not since she went right into another story.

A year or so later, we had a friend who had to go to assisted living.  Lo and behold, this woman was still involved in the stealing-vote business.  She went to the facility where our friend was and did the ballot trick that she had told me about.  When she made her way to our friend, he told her that he was perfectly capable of filling out his own ballot, but she would have none of it.  He told us that he would tell her the Democrat for whom he wished to vote, and she would nearly twist herself in knots trying to keep him from seeing how she was marking the ballot.  He had suspected early on what she was doing, so after a few votes, he got up to stand near her, but she pulled the ballot to her chest and told him he needed to go sit down because he was blocking the light, and she couldn’t see.  She finally got up and left saying they were finished when he knew they were not.  When he told my husband and me about the incident, we told him we knew exactly what had happened.  We all agreed that she probably got away with it because our county is a very red county and someone in the GOP-run courthouse would probably just have taken the ballots and counted them with no questions asked.

Both involved in this voting incident — which I knew about from both sides of the story—were long departed from this earth by the time I took the long-ago concern and the concern that this kind of thing could still be happening to God.  The message received was what I should have anticipated: wins on earth do not always equate to wins in Heaven. 

The ones who complain most about stolen elections, illegal voting, and who demand recount after recount on elections they lose, even if lost by a great margin, are the ones doing the most harm to election integrity.  They are  ‘stacking the deck’ by such tactics as gerrymandering, poll watching, carefully choosing and appointing election workers, and removing people from voter rolls.  If these fail, they cry foul, file lawsuits against the makers and suppliers of the voting machines, demand recount after recount, order investigations of voting records – all things that cost needless time, money, and cause distrust in elections that have been proven over and over through the years to be fair. 

Read:  U.S.News ‘Conservative Groups Are Pushing to Clean Voter RollsOthers See an Effort to Sow Election Distrust’ July  13, 2024.  Then read ProPublica article ‘How the Case for Voter Fraud Was Tested – and Utterly Failed’ which provides a history lesson, of sorts, of voter fraud claims by following Kris Kobach through his years of trying to find voter fraud – even serving as co-chair on a commission to find widespread voter fraud that Trump had claimed happened in the 2016 election – and failing at each effort.  That hasn’t stopped the loud voices from claiming voter fraud is still happening in huge numbers.  Their target:  “The Democrats” who are allowing illegals to pour in through our border so that they will vote for them.  Their goal:  To limit voting to ones who look, think, and will vote like them.  Example:  IOWA STARTING LINE  ‘J.D. Vance doesn’t believe in one person, one vote’ which promotes the idea that people with children should have more votes than people without children.  After reading the article, I became even more concerned about voting rights.  It seemed that some feel it is okay to use the power of the government to promote one’s goals that would cause harm to many while lifting up others.

Know this:  God says, “A win that involves cheating, lying, stealing, or wrathful threats may count as a win on earth, but it will not be counted as a win by Heavenly standards.“

In 2014, I was hearing of falsehoods being told and actions being taken to sway election results or to cause doubt that there can be free and fair elections.  These falsehoods and actions were being accepted by many. 

Esquire ‘Crazy Man Seeks Presidency’ opinion by Charles P. Pierce 8/12/2024 shows a message from Trump that is full of false information meant to sow doubt about his rival.  Another Esquire story Trump’s Fake Story About Willie Brown Really Puts the “Hell” in Helicopter Ride.   I wondered, “Will the followers continue to turn a blind eye and accept his lies? “ Then I answered my own concerns and question, “ Based on past experiences, one must surmise that the answer is yes.”

God told his disciple messenger in 2016 – not mincing words — that ‘his child, Donald John Trump, does not need votes, he needs help’. Reported by CBS in a story by Jordan Freiman on August 24, 2020 ‘Trump’s sister says “you can’t trust him” in secretly recorded audio.   It was a long time before others noticed.  His niece – an American psychologist and writer — Mary Trump’s memoirToo Much and Never Enough:  How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man’ July 2020 gave notice of his mental problems; however, the ones who needed to pay attention so help could be given, failed.  They turned a deaf ear and wore blindfolds over their eyes not only to Mary Trump’s warnings but to warnings given by others.  

CNN’s  ‘What we learned from Mary Trump’s damning portrait of her uncle’ by Kevin Liptak July 7, 2020, says that the book gives a glimpse into Donald Trump’s life which was negatively influenced by his father.   

BBC’s Donald Trump’s sister says he’s an ‘unprincipled phoney’,  August 23, 2020, article in which she said he was a liar who “has no principles”, and in which she also criticizes his border immigration policy that led to children being held in detention ‘centres’ at the border.  NOTE:  The separation of children from parents at the border was a concern of mine.  The Biden administration has worked hard to get these children returned to parents and has worked to get sensible immigration policies in place, but efforts have been blocked by the GOP House members following the calls from Trump to block because giving in would help the Democrats.  I cried, and continue to cry, knowing how many would suffer because of this effort to harm instead of help.  I know God was and is crying, also.  Children being used as pawns to gain one’s way is unacceptable.  Inhumane acts are unacceptable. Read:  AP ‘Trump warns he’ll expel migrants under key Biden immigration programs’ by Rebecca Santana, September 25, 2024.  There are articles where Trump says he’ll use military force and mass deportation at the border.  All you need to do is search for them and you shall find.

Even though this damning information came from close family members, no attention was paid.  As others observed and reported his behavior that pointed to problems that needed to be addressed, not supported, those observations and reports went unheeded, also. 

Too little, too late is an apt title, it would seem, for though there was plenty of evidence revealed to show that Donald Trump needed mental health treatment too many had already ‘taken the bait’, ‘drank the Kool-Aid’, ‘followed the false leader’, and faithfully followed, and follow still, this one who led so many past the point of no return.

If not realized long before, it was evident that Trump needed help when he sat silent for hours watching the attack on the U. S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.  You can read for yourself – plenty of sources are provided — Reuters ‘Trump watched Jan. 6 U. S. Capitol riot unfold on TV, ignored pleas to call for peace’ by Patricia Zengerle and Richard Cowan, Business Insider ‘Trump spent most of the January 6 attack watching TV in the White House dining room’, according to new video from House committee by Jake Lahut, and/or July 21, 2022, NPR ‘Analysis:  Trump’s TV obsession helped define Jan. 6 too’ by David Folkenflik. 

God says, “Sitting hours and watching violence take place before his very eyes and not doing what is in his power to stop is not the reaction of a healthy-minded person. If you haven’t realized this and are still supporting him in his lies, his wrath, his revengeful ways, wake up before it is too late.  If you are close to him and make no effort to help him, you are as guilty and as much in need of intervention as he is.”

It is remarkable that those who knew him and had the power to act, did nothing.  Melania turned a deaf ear — uInterview News ‘Former White House Press Secretary Grisham Says Melania Trump Refused To Condemn Violence On Jan. 6’ by Baila Eve Zisman tells how former Trump White House spokesperson tried to get Melania to intervene.  It also gives you a picture of what Trump thinks of telling lies — repeat, repeat until they become truths.  God has said that he has his truths repeated, repeated, repeated, and repeated so that they sink into the brain.  The difference between them:  One repeats lies and one repeats truths.

NOTE: Many sources have been suggested; however, FOX has not appeared as one.  For many years, FOX has been used and continues to be used as the gold standard of the ‘real truth’ by many on the right.  I have many, family and close friends included, who refuse to believe anything from any source other than FOX, though more recently some are gravitating toward sources that are even more far-right.  They especially like such sources if they claim to be religious – it is as though they feel if there is a ‘religious’ connection there should be no question about truthfulness.  When told that FOX gives information meant to show conservatives in a positive light, they argue that FOX is not biased.  Suggested reading:  Benzinga story by Chris Katje ‘Rupert Murdoch’s Family Court Battle Over Fox Control Mirrors ‘Succession’ Drama or NPR story by David Falkenflik ‘Rupert Murdoch is set to face his kids in court, with Fox News’ fate in the balance, or any number of other sources to find that the Murdoch family is in a legal fight that could determine the future of FOX as a conservative news source.  Money and power cannot be ignored.  Other sources often give a slant to their reporting, but none compare to FOX in viewership or influence. 

Climate change concerns that have grown since 2014 were also named to God.  I started hearing with my own ears, even before 2014, from  ‘good people’ –who happened to be strong Republicans and felt Republicans were the moral ones who do no wrong — that human activity did not contribute to climate change and said that the strange weather occurrences are just part of a hundred-year weather cycle.  They said that God is in charge of climate, and if he did not want us to use fossil fuels he would not have put them on the earth for use.  By 2014, this seemed to be the adopted stance of Republicans.  This stance remains true in 2024 and no signs of change have been noted,  and no movements toward reconciliation have been noted.

Read:  Pew Research Center, March 1, 2024, by Brian Kennedy and Alec Tyson ‘How Republicans view climate change and energy issues’.  Note as you read, that economic factors are given priority over care of the earth and keeping consumer costs low are prioritized over protection of generations of the future.

Updated information shows what would be disastrous for climate:  The Washington Post ‘How a Republican election sweep could transform U. S. climate policy’ by Maxine Joselow, July 18, 2024. 

For those who continue to refuse to acknowledge that care of the earth is a calling given by God, read Genesis 1: 26.  Be informed that dominion means taking responsibility for and care of the earth and its creatures.  This is an authority delegated to man by God. God adds, “Wake up, America.  Take care of the earth.  Take care of one another.  Vote with a Christian heart to help bring about reconciliation so that my will may be done on earth.”

Expulsion and non-acceptance from organizations, including many churches, Inclusive (us) vs Exclusive (them), wall building vs bridge building were happenings being done in plain sight, in rural communities through to metropolitan areas.  Those ‘evil democrats’ who are ‘too liberal’ for us came first, but they were only the first of many to follow – people of color other than white, LGBTQ+, women pregnant out of wedlock, women who got abortions to save their life.

Newsweek 9/2/24 ‘I Was Expelled From My Church.  I Was Found Guilty, but I Do Not Feel Sorry’ by Thomas Jay Oord.

Know this:  God says a win that involves cheating, lying, stealing, or wrathful threats may count as a win on earth, but it will not be counted as a win by God’s standards. 

God wants no more lost souls.  He is offering a do over to his child Donald Trump and to those who are still alive and still faithfully following this one who needs help.  Perhaps you need help also to make the break.

Will you allow yourself to believe truths that come from our Heavenly Father?  Believe what God told his disciple messenger in 2016 and which she documented as evidence if ever needed:  “My child Donald John Trump does not need votes, he needs help.”  Know this:  God always tells the truth, and his disciple messenger only reveals his truths when she is told to do so.