Heavenly Puzzle Parables

Life is Like a Puzzle

(NOTE added on June 12, 2014, by God’s disciple messenger: This parable was received early in my calling—12/15/2014 as recorded in my journal — and had additions and revisions along the way with the latest revision and the addition of the Heavenly Puzzle Plan parable (below) coming 3/3/2022.  It was very early in my calling, and I did not know what to make of it in December of 2014, but the vision became clearer with each addition and/or revision.  I can understand clearly now God’s intended use for it, especially so in this time when far too many of God’s children are listening to and following the deniers, truthers (conspiracy theorists) over the truthsayers (tellers of truth) – even failing to listen to the greatest of all truth-tellers, God — thus destroying pieces of their life’s puzzle by the hundreds, even thousands, or, worse yet, throwing their puzzle to the wind, seemingly without a thought or care for what this means for their forever life.  God wants lives saved.  He asks that you read and take to heart the following two God-given parables.)

How life is like a puzzle…

God says, “Life is like a puzzle.  To begin, you must have the framework, the support – built on solid, not soggy, ground – if soggy ground is all you have on which to build, put stabilizing supports and safeguards in place as soon as you realize the ground is not stable and supportive. You and all who have a part in helping you put together the puzzle must have a vision of how it is going to look when complete – (hopes, dreams).  The search for the right pieces to begin filling in to make the vision complete is next.  You will face CHALLENGES to find the right pieces for the right places.  You will have SURPRISES when you discover the piece needed might not be or look exactly like what you were expecting.  You will experience FRUSTRATION from looking and looking for pieces to fit and not finding them as quickly as you want.  You will also experience frustration when you know you have the right piece for the right place, but you have trouble getting it to fit in its place because of torn corners or jagged edges created by problems in its shipping and handling.  You will experience JOY when you find a key piece that pulls a whole section of pieces together.  And even more JOY will be yours if you find the key piece that pulls all the sections together.  As you near the end of completing the puzzle you will begin feeling a sense of SUCCESS for having stuck with it.  This period will also bring about a sense of REFLECTION as you think about all involved in its completion. You will begin to realize that there are only a few pieces left and that you are within sight of completing that puzzle.  Oh, you might need help because of such things as shaky hands, creaky bones, or dimming eyesight, but you will know you need to find ways to overcome the disabilities or troubles that are yours and be grateful for help you receive that allows you to complete your puzzle.  And you will start thinking about the next puzzle, yet unknown.  You begin having visions of what that puzzle will be.  You hope that your life’s puzzle will be accepted to be a part of it.  You know your puzzle is not perfect.  You know you worked hard to do your best, but perfection was not possible.  You also know that what you do in the time left is important in the proper completion.  You know that some people have been better puzzle solvers than you have, yet you know of others not as good as you.  You hope what is ahead will be as wonderful as you imagine it to be.  You hesitate to even think of the alternative.”

The Heavenly Puzzle Plan (received from God 3/3/2022)…

“MY Heavenly plan can also be likened unto a puzzle.  Each one of my children is an important piece of my puzzle.  Each brings to MY Heavenly puzzle their own completed life puzzle.  Some puzzles will be very small, some will be medium sized, some large, and some even very large.  Some puzzles will be completed beautifully, almost perfectly.  Others will be completed yet will have some broken corners or cracked foundations.  Some will have a few missing pieces representing temporarily lost vision, lost opportunities, lost sight of the right path.  I will be pleased with all these because these puzzles have been completed and because those completing them will have realized MY part, MY help.  I will be sad for those who lost their way and cast aside their puzzles, for those who never found their purpose or vision.  I will be sad for those who thought they alone could complete their puzzle only to discover too late that is not possible.  I will be sad for those who gave their allegiance to things that kept them either from completing their puzzle or by filling it with too many pieces blackened by hate for me to put into MY Heavenly puzzle.  I will be sad for those who let greed, love of power, money, or possessions so fill their eyes that they could not see the vision of their puzzle, could not behold its beauty for the stumbling block in their eyes.  I will be sad for those who used excuses for not completing their puzzle, for those not accepting responsibility for what they should do. Yes, I will be sad that though all my children are included in MY Heavenly puzzle plan, all will not help in completing it.  Places I have prepared for these will remain unclaimed.  I will rejoice and welcome with open arms those who had ears and listened and those who had eyes and saw, those who knew they had free will yet chose to open their hearts to ME and My Will.  I rejoiced when I placed each of life’s puzzles alongside others who had completed their puzzles with LOVE as a guide.  I find pleasure in looking over MY plan’s puzzle and being reminded by each finished part of all the things done that brought honor and glory to ME. I will be sad when I observe parts missing yet I will continue to rejoice as I place each finished section of MY plan’s puzzle in its place – the place I have prepared for it.”   

GOD’s suggestion:  “If you are still working on your life’s puzzle, pull the addictive-and-heavenly-eternal-life-destroying strings of hate, greed, selfishness, inattentiveness, idol worship (giving honor and support to those religious leaders, political leaders, family leaders, etc. who have sinful hearts makes you complicit to all their sins because you are accepting and following their ways), wrath, lust, laziness, pride, envy, gluttony, or any other sinful ways from your heart and replace them with love for me and love for all others – even those you consider enemies. The sooner you begin making these needed changes, the better.”

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