D-Day, Decision Day –Repost for review at God’s request

D-Day then…      

June 6, 1944, is the date of D-Day which marked the start of the offensive by the United States and its allies to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany. The Allied forces had prepared in advance to bring about its success.

D-Day now… D-Day 2024

D-Day, as God means it, marks the beginning of God’s intervening efforts to liberate his children from the grasp of extremism so that the soul of America and the soul of the world might be saved.  God has prepared hearts in advance to make the necessary changes to bring success.  He has disciple helpers primed and ready when the charge, “Onward, Christian soldiers,” is given.    Hearts of others are being prepared to become disciple helpers who will serve as reinforcements to God’s army of Christian-hearted soldiers.

God’s intervention…

For those of you familiar with the Bible, think of the times God chose to intervene to save lives and souls of his children.  For those not familiar with these interventions, pay attention and you will learn about them and about why God is intervening now.

Reason for intervention… 

Through the ages God chose to intervene in times when things had gotten so bad that without his taking extreme action the doom, gloom, and devastation would only get worse, with souls lost forever. His interventions involved planning – sometimes years and years of it, one example, is Moses and another is Joseph. God has made known to the disciple messenger responsible for carrying God’s messages through this blog and the book that preparations for her mission as messenger started before she was born and continues still. Jesus is the supreme example. You can find Old Testament scriptures foretelling his coming and his mission.

In all instances of intervention, there was a D-Day, a decision day, with the questions being, “To which voices are you going to listen – the loud voices of lies and deceit that will lead you into darkness or the quiet voice of love and truth calling, ‘Come, follow me. Give me a dwelling place in your heart.”   Will you listen to the voice of Jesus promising, “Follow me and I will show you how to fish for people.”  (This is the promise to show you how to be a disciple who will go into all the world to make other disciples.) 

Then there is the question that deserves serious consideration, “What sacrifices are you willing to make to help get us out of the darkness, thus saving souls?”   Consider the following:  What is more important – your 401K or your soul?  The economy or the Democracy — your very freedom (short term vs long term)? Your support of an extreme ideology and/or an extreme leader or your soul?  Will it be self first or the good of all that you choose?  Will it be selfishness – notice that self is the base word for selfishness – that will keep you from making necessary soul-saving sacrifices?  Will you choose to vote for and follow leaders who promise you short-term, selfish gains which will cost you your soul or will you vote for and follow leaders who desire soul-saving ways?  Will you follow religious leaders who claim to be the most moral and right, but who are misleading you with falsehoods, or will you follow religious leaders who are working for the good of all by sharing God’s truths?  Are you willing to sacrifice your soul for a short-term gain, or will you choose to save your soul with its promise of a forever gain?

God’s helpers in interventions… 

God has used the very young through the very old to carry out his messages and plans of intervention.  There have been male as well as female messengers.  Some messengers accepted the challenge without argument while others tried to get him to choose someone else – at least one (Jonah) tried running away and hiding rather than carrying out what God had asked him to do. Jonah learned the hard way that you can’t hide from God.

Full disclosure:

The disciple messenger called to help carry God’s messages of reconciliation to save souls was among the ones who pleaded and argued with God. The excuses given:  “I am an old woman with many health issues and few abilities or talents necessary for getting the job done.  I cannot speak well.  No one will listen to me.  I am a follower, not a leader.  There are those with the right talents and abilities for the job.”  

Father knows best…

God does not accept excuses.   In all cases, God, our Heavenly Father, knew best who was needed for the job of messenger.  He knew that if the chosen messengers followed his directions, the plan would work because God is the Master Planner as well as the Master Overseer. 

God’s D-Day Plan will work…

God’s D-Day plan will work.  However, God, having given us free choice yet not wanting us to be disappointed at the results, has said that many will be called to be an ally – a Christian-hearted disciple –but not all will answer his call.  Just as Scribes and Pharisees and their devoted followers did not answer God’s call in the time of Jesus, among the ones who will not answer the call now will be far too many religious leaders and Pharisee-like people and their devoted followers.  God knows whose heart is clothed properly and the ones who are simply great pretenders — want-to-be emperors without clothes, displaying their sinful ways.  The table has been set and is ready for the obedient disciples who answer the call to Christian-hearted discipleship.   Oh, yes, he will accept all at the table, knowing though that many are not sincere and will betray.

D-Day is decision day…

Today is the day you determine how you will spend the rest of your life.  It is the most important decision of your lifetime.  Will you be an ally in the fight for the soul or will you be an enemy to the cause?  Will you choose man’s way which is to put self first, others who think and look like you next, and God last?  Or will you choose God’s way – putting God first, others next, and self last?   Will you choose man’s way and arm yourself with guns, knives, caustic words, money, or power or will you choose God’s way and arm yourself with truth, righteousness (decency/integrity), peaceful readiness, faith, salvation, and the word of God fortified by constant prayer?   Will you continue filling your heart with sinful ways or will you pull the sinful threads from your heart and replace them with love, justice, mercy, and compassion?  God does not force you to prepare your heart to be a ‘Christian heart’, but he shows you that the Christian-heart option is available and is the option you should choose if you want the best results – results that are pleasing and acceptable to God.  To be an ally or an enemy is your D-Day choice.  The soul of the nation and the world is at stake!  


 Upcoming– a return to using a song to teach a lesson:

‘Love Can Build a Bridge’  (Paul Overstreet, Naomi Ellen Judd, John Jarvis)