A Tough-Love Test on Hypocrisy

The beginning of the following was God given, God inspired on January 30, 2022, to God’s Disciple Messenger who recorded it on that date.  Additions have been made when directed by God to do so.  It is meant to be a tough-love tool of self-evaluation. Only you and God – who hears all, knows all, and who knows what is in your heart — will know your response to it.   

God says them:  “Do you understand hypocrisy and what Jesus has said about hypocrites?”

*Do you think it is hypocritical for someone to say, or support those who say, that another person has lied knowing that what they are saying is not true, is, in fact, a lie? Is it also breaking the Golden Rule that says do unto others as you would have them do to you?  Is it hypocritical for the guilty to declare the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent or  for the liars to declare themselves as the ones telling the truth while declaring that the truthsayers are the liars? 

*Rate this one for the hypocritical test:  Is it hypocritical to fight against, or support those who fight against, abortion for any reason then find that a mother has died because the baby, who was already dead or was going to die anyway, could not be aborted according to the law?  Would not it have been better to have had reconciliation between the differing opinions regarding abortion to allow for as many lives as possible to be saved? 

*In addition, is it not hypocritical to be anti-abortion, or support those who are anti-abortion, because it causes deaths of innocents, ones who cannot speak for themselves, then refuse to give needed help to parents, or give support to affordable health insurance, to quality education, to life-saving health measures, to sensible gun measures to help to add quality to the lives and to save the lives of the very innocents that you have fought to be born?  *Is it not hypocritical to say you value life then support those who work to put guns into the hands of anyone who wants them, even unto ones who have gone into schools, churches, special events, nightclubs, parades, and killed thousands of innocents or used those easily obtained guns to commit suicide? Is it hypocritical to say you value life then refuse, or support those who refuse, to help outside workers get needed relief from the heat or when you place deadly obstacles in the way of those, not like you, who seek refuge?

*Is it hypocrisy to make, or to give support to ones who make, laws which cause it to be more difficult, or even impossible, for minorities to vote while at the same time you are saying you are not racist and believe in justice and equality for all?  *Is it not hypocritical to say you are trying to stop voter fraud, such as happened in the 2020, when you know that recounts and studies by many groups have proven there was very little voter fraud and would not have changed one election result and courts, including the Supreme Court, have rejected election challenge cases because of lack of merit? *Along these same lines, is it hypocrisy if you say, or support someone who says, more has been done by them for minorities than anyone then call these same minorities rapists, murderers, vermin, coming from prisons, mental institutions, and poisoning the blood of our country? And what would be an adequate description for one who is of the minority being talked about but gives support/praise/votes to the ones calling them by these unkind words – smart, informed would not be among the ways to describe them.  Is it not hypocritical to take an oath to serve or judge fairly, being unbiased, then judge in a way that shows your bias, your unfairness? 

*Is it not hypocritical to claim to be concerned about ‘integrity’ of elections then put into place laws and measures, or give support to those who put these laws and measures into place, which are the opposite of ‘integrity’ (honesty, uprightness, honor) and, in fact, restrict access to voting – examples, have all election officials be of one party, put policies in place that make it impossible for ones of the opposing party to hold any public office, thus giving a one-party system, limiting voting times and places, limiting mail-in ballots, purging of voter rolls, making it a criminal penalty against election officials who seek to help individuals vote or mail out unsolicited mail ballots, gerrymandering, establishing or expanding voter IDs, partisan reviews of election results with options of rejecting or overturning election results with the intent to cancel votes and subvert election outcomes, or declare that you will only accept election results done in a fair and transparent way knowing that you will claim unfairness if the results aren’t as you wish? NOTE:  Integrity in elections is not the only area showing hypocrisy. Is it not hypocrisy in judging if it is claimed that religious principles are the guides used then judge showing political ideology being the guiding principles, or accepting gifts given to sway one’s opinion?  Ethical? Religious?

*Do you not realize that you are being hypocritical when you say you love America then fly the American flag upside down in support of a movement trying to steal an election or fly the Appeal to Heaven flag, or support those guilty of flying such flags, with the purpose of stealing an election or to claim you are flying them for another purpose then plainly, proudly state that you are doing so to show hate and to persuade others to show hate toward those of a different political persuasion or toward those news agencies seeking to print the facts

*Is it not hypocritical to say, or support those who say, love of God is most important to them and feel everyone should be Christian then fly Christian nationalist flags beside the Christian flag and the United States flag and even more hypocritical when all are flown beside the flag of an ‘earthly-appointed savior’?*Is it not hypocritical to say, as church, that you want to save souls then disassociate yourselves from (exclude not include) and disparage ones that do not fit your moral standards (gays, unwed mothers, those with different ideologies/views/religious beliefs)?  *Is it not hypocritical to claim to be among the most religious then brag about your charitable deeds, pray lengthy prayers in church or in public gatherings so that others may witness your goodness, give speeches that showcase your goodness and disparage others who do not follow your set rules of conduct and goodness, praise and reward those who think and look like you and condemn and threaten those who dare be different, accept dark money to help support your fight for rightness, seek to take money from the majority so that it may be used for religious schools that can limit attendance to those who look, think, and believe as you do, brag about closing your business on Sunday or support those businesses closing on Sunday but do your grocery shopping or fill your gas tank on Sunday and know that those business owners do things that are not a fit with your religious beliefs?   

*Is it not being a hypocrite if you say you care about all creation then pass, or support those who pass, laws, or spread false information that cause harm to the health of the earth and its people

*Is it not hypocritical to hold a leadership position, or support those in leadership positions, in family, home, church, government and say you want to accomplish good, and have the power to accomplish that good, then refuse to cooperate with ones trying to accomplish good because you don’t want to give them a political/religious/moral/economic/or any other win

*Is it not hypocritical to hold a leadership position, or support those who hold leadership, in family, home, church, government and say you want to build up the unit you represent then praise enemies of that unit – example, represent and say you want to make America stronger/better/greater then praise authoritarians and dictators who are enemies of America and have destruction of America and its institutions, including church, as their goal

*Is it not hypocritical to say you love God and love others as self then use, or support those who use, hateful, ugly, wrath-filled words against others, knowing that those words might cause threats against or deaths of the recipients?

Note:  The argument can be made that it is your right to fly any flag you wish, to speak freely, to act according to your beliefs, to support only ones who are of your political persuasion no matter what they have done or how poorly qualified for the job they are, but God says, “Just because you can, does not mean you should.”

Let the Scriptures guide you…

*Read the Scriptures – Luke 14: 3 and Matthew 12: 10 (healing the Sabbath) on Matthew 12: 2 (disciples gathering food), Matthew 24: 51 that tell the responses of Jesus to the Pharisees and the experts in the law who were trying to trick him, trying to test him because of fear that their power would be weakened or lost. 

*Then read the ‘woe unto you’ in Luke 11: 44, 45, Luke 6: 9 and Matthew 23: 13 -15, Luke 12: 1-3, Luke 18: 11, Proverbs 26:  23 – 26 to learn more about hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the experts of the law in the days of Jesus and see if these apply to the experts of the law, the strict followers of the law, and the Pharisee-like people of today.

*Read Matthew 6: 16, Matthew 7: 1-29, Matthew 6: 2,5 Matthew 23: 23-25 Matthew 23: 23-28 to find more about hypocrisy.

Don’t allow yourself to become a modern day, Pharisee-like, extreme enemy of Christ.  Don’t allow yourself to be tricked into betrayal of Christ by becoming, following, or supporting a present-day hypocrite. 

*Read 1 Peter 2: 1 to find what you can do to begin the wake-up process.

Tell them: Follow all the above instructions, read thoughtfully and carefully each line, each suggested Bible reading.  Doing this is the only way you will be able to evaluate yourself. 

God continues to say and will never give up on saying, “Wake up, America.  Reconcile before it is too late to save yourself and all you claim to love.”

Concluding thoughts:

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

God says, “Too many people have been fooled too much of the time.  Too many people are doing the fooling.  The foolers and the foolees are what I call these people.  These are names one should never, never, never want to be called.  I only call them by these names because it is necessary to use tough love. It is time to wake up.  Learn the truths, for it is the truths that will set you free from those binding, hurtful apron strings that are causing deep, deep scars in your soul.  Only I can heal those scars and only then if your heart’s desire is to have those scars removed.”

UPCOMING:  What does it take to wake you?